Thursday, October 06, 2011

LESSology Challenge ....

You know ... some things don't always go as planned ... When LESSology challenge blog started ... I so wanted to join in with everything ... but time got away from me each week ...
This week the challenge is to decorate a paper bag (white or brown) and of course every challenge at LESSology must include a recycled item too ...
 In the UK ... we don't get those cute brown bags that my USA friends make such wonderful albums from ... they seem to have so many uses and appear quite strong ... But as it happened I did have a little brown bag .. well, a big brown bag ... (I cut the top off )... and I had need of a gift bag for one of my sweet blog buddies ... so it was finally the perfect opportunity to join in the fun ...

I had so much fun doing this .... and my recycled item is of course the lovely corrugated edging

The little chipboard birdie I painted using TH Distress stains ... and the little key came home with me from Majorca ... I got a bunch of them in an art shop I found in Soller ... they're called "Lucky Keys" ... I hope this brings luck to my blog friend

Sorry I can't share what is inside this bag ... don't want to spoil the birthday surprise ...

But one surprise I can share is this ... 
A sweet little gift and card from my lovely friend Kirsty

Kirsty made me this gorgeous crochet apple holder and the beautiful card

Look at that cute little leaf ...

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Gorgeous! Love what you did with your bag and the recycling!

  2. Que doce seu saquinho.. seu amigo irá adorar!!.também estou confeccionado o meu...

  3. Adorable, Ros, so so lovely!
    The second and glorious life of an ordinary brown bag, created by Ros herself :>)



  4. Oh Ros,
    I love your newest creation--and adore those flowers--Ohh-la-la!!!

    And what a precious apple holder--how adorable is that from such a special friend?

    I wanted to tell you that while you were gone I had a special free seminar on my blog....It's up on a tab at the top of my blog if you'd like to take it...It's really informative and I just wanted you to know it's there in case you want to take a look...It was SO much work--but worth it! lol


  5. That is a wonderful gift bag you have there, beautifully embellished with lots of pretties, so glad you are able to join us this time at LESSology!

    It brings a smile to my face to see the apple cozy on your blog post, thanks! Hope you enjoy the little surprise!

  6. your little bag project is adorable and I love those flowers

  7. I love what you did with this bag... just gorgeous! That square of fabric and the flowers... perfect!

  8. I think the bag turned out soooo cute!!!

  9. Oohhhh how gorgeous is this! Love the corrugated edging! And the pretty blooms! :)

    Thanks for joining us at LESSology! :)

  10. Your altered brown bag is super Gorgeous Ros... love the whole combo... the burlap add-on ... totally rocked!!! and YAY to that Happy Mail... Kirsty is indeed darling eh.... hugs...xoxo

  11. What a pretty decorated bag Ros! Love the fabric flowers and beautiful vintage image! Great way to incorporate fabric!

  12. Your bag is gorgeous.. I just love the look the material in the background gives it..

    That is so darn sweet of Kirsty.. She is such a sweetheart..

    Hugs, Linda

  13. Love your gift bag, Ros! So much prettiness! Love it all. and the gift and card from Kirsty are so sweet! Have a great Friday.

  14. Your bag is SO gorgeous, Ros!! What an absolutely beautiful birthday bag for your friend! I love that paper and love the post card image and bird. The lucky key is fabulous, and those flowers are just out of this world. I truly love this!
    Thanks so much for playing along with us at LESSology.

  15. So adorable and dreamy, your giftbag! Love it!

  16. Loverly ( nicer word than lovely!) the corrugated extra is the perfect finishing touch. Who would have thought you could elevate a brown bag to such beautiful heights. Stunned of a project. Need to check my diary!-I'll be chasing you for a day ! xx

  17. Hi Ros,
    Wishing you a happy weekend, my friend!!! Oh, and I put your lovely button up on my sidebar with a link back to you!!! Thank you SO much!!

  18. S.T.U.N.N.I.N.G. !!!! a super duper awesome project .. love it to bits .. hugz x

  19. Wow, your bag is amazingly beautiful Ros, totally chic! Enjoy your lovely goodies Kirsty sent you, supercool!

  20. I love the corrugated edging and that sweet little birdie. Gorgeous bag. Thank you so much for playing with us at LESSology. :)

  21. HI Ros!
    I don´t have words for this! It is soooo beautiful!!!! This bag is the gift itself - mo matter what you put inside!
    You decorated this bag so gorgeous - oh what a feast for my eyes!
    Have a great week!

  22. Love your little bag and the cute little bird on the front. xx

  23. Is it enough when I telly ou that I want this beauty?

    I AM IN LOVE....

  24. Such a beautiful creation! Every details is so thought and absolutely perfect!

  25. I love your bag!! Beautiful!!

  26. Wow! This is absolutely beautiful! Love everything about your gorgeous bag!

  27. WOW...your doggy bag is absolutely GORGEOUS! What a great way to package up a giftie! It's filled with so many fabulous textures too!

    Okay, now how cute is that apple holder?!

    thanks for joining us at LESSology!

  28. This is gorgeous, so pretty.

  29. This is GORGEOUS! I loveeeeeee the floral trim and loving your presents from Kirsty! Thanks so much for playing along with LESSology! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  30. Your bag is gorgeous! I love the way you added the border at the bottom. Thanks for joining us at LESSology with your gorgeous creation.
    Scrapcat Cards by Linda

  31. that's truely amazing.
    Thanks for playing with us at LESSology xx

  32. A big congrats on winning at the challenge Ross!


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