Tuesday, December 20, 2011

City Crafter ... Winter White

Good morning ...
Our lovely Kirsty is setting the challenge for us this week at City Crafter ... and keeping in with the winter theme, she has challenged us to make a card or project having the main colour as white
this is her lovely inspirational photo

... and the perfect time to make my little stocking for the mantle ...

This is a chipboard stocking from a pack I bought last year...
I painted it first with white acrylic and then covered it in Core'dination pure white CS which I added a generous amount of glitter too 

... added some snowflakes and rhinestones ...

cut some felt ... and I'm not sure if you can see ... I used a little wire brush on the felt ... it makes it really fluffy ... all that was needed now was some ribbon,  a few crystal drops and a sprig of holly

... and we're good to go!

This week we are lucky to have Sylvia Nelson  Guest designing once again and sweet Stella sponsoring for us... Don't say I told you but ... I happen to know that Stella has created something really special for the winner this week too!  
So I hope you will hop on over to the blog and check out the rest of the DT work and if you need a little break from all those Christmas preparations ... then why not take a little time to join us this week... we'll be so happy to see you ...

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Another gorgeous creation, Ros. Your stocking is beautiful! I love how you scalloped your felt for the top...and thank you for the tip on how to fluff up felt:)

  2. This is so GORGEOUS Ros! LOVE the sparkle and bling!!

  3. Ros,linda sua bota branca! Voces no inverno...e nós em um verão super quente!

  4. What a lovely stocking, Ros! I would have thought it cloth if you had not said. Beautiful idea. Have a lovely evening.

  5. Such a sweet little stocking Ros, you made the snowflakes and drops look like pretty embroidery from a distance! Hugs, Ira

  6. Oh WOW, I love this, Ros!!! And I adore the sprig of color--that looks fabulous!!! Hmmmm, I have to think of something to enter--and quick!

  7. Lovely stocking! Beautiful design.

  8. Beautiful project with that little bit of sparkle, perfect for the holiday!

  9. What a gorgeous decoration, love all the glitter and the clear droplets. Merry Christmas.xxx

  10. `Gorgeous` Ros Love the stocking:) x

  11. Beautiful - I don't know how you get it all done, but you are so creative!

  12. Supa cute!!! Gorgeous... love this... hugs..xoxo

  13. Beautiful Ros! I love all the sparkle and glitter and you've pieced it so prettily. Gorgeous inspiration for the challenge! Hugs and Merry Christmas!

  14. This is Sooooo pretty. I just love those crystals hanging down..

    Hugs, Linda

  15. Ros, I didn't see those little crystal drops at first. They are tres elegant! I think this is one of the prettiest stockings I have ever seen. :) Merry Christmas!


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