Thursday, March 01, 2012

Mission Jingle Belles

Good morning from a very sunny Liverpool
I hope you are well ...

I have some Christmas cards done for this weeks challenge at Jingle Belles Rock who have teamed up with EAD Designs this week ...
As you know ... Jingle Belles is on a mission ... to help us complete the bulk of our Christmas cards before the end of December ... Me ... I'm on a mission to use up all the Christmas bits and bobs, papers stickers etc., whilst trying to keep my cards pretty simple .. I thought I would out fox the Royal Mail who charge extortionate postage for cards ... seems they got wind of this and just increased the postage charges further ......
Anyway, I did get 4 cards done for this weeks challenge ... which is to use stickers ... all the details can be found on the blog if you are going to join us ... These are just pretty simple cards using various stickers

This one is a Melissa Frances sticker stuck and stitched onto the card and the sentiment is from my sticker box too

The "JOY" is a 3D sticker from my friend Stella 

Not sure where this 3D star sticker is from ...

... and this has a MF sticker again stitched around and another little tree sticker from my supplies
So I am getting my collection together ... even though I am definitely not in the Christmas mood ... 

On a different note ... I read today that Davy Jones from the Monkees has died suddenly ... Wow! that's a bit of my youth gone ... I was a big fan ... especially of Davy ... it seems another lifetime ago and I still hold the picture of the young Davy in my mind ... quite a sad day ... my thoughts are with his family.

Have yourselves a wonderful day whatever you are doing ... I've just been asked by Thursday club to put some paint a sign for them ... I hope to be able to get around to visiting you all soon

Keep safe

~ Ros ~


  1. Ohhh...vários cartões!! acho que sua caixinha de natal logo logo estará cheia!! Lindos e delicados cartões!! Boa quinta para ti!

  2. Wow've been busy! These are ALL soooooo LOVELY!! Great use of the stickers!

  3. What lovely cards, Ros! I can't even think about Christmas, but the idea is wonderful and using up all the bits and pieces is not only a money saver but a time one as well. Yes, sad about Davy, I remember the rush when the Monkees came on the scene! We are dating ourselves!!!! Glad your day is sunny ours starts out gray every morning, then turns into sunshine. Have a wonderful evening.

  4. All your cards look so pretty. What a fun challenge.. I would have never thought of stickers..

    I was pretty shocked to here about Davy Jones also.. So sad!!

    Hugs, Linda

  5. oh wow. You have been busy! Such pretties here today! I envy you being so ahead for Christmas cards already!

  6. You have been busy dearie...and your cards turned out fab! My favorite is card#4; neutrals are one of my favorites and this stunning!
    Have a lovely evening!

  7. They are all so sweet Ros. I used to watch the Monkey's when I was little too. Such a sad loss.


  8. Stitching on stickers is magical ... and I love that pretty blue bow ... woot woot! for more holiday cards completed ... always glad to have you join us at jingle belles.

  9. You're going to have some gorgeous cards to send out at Christmas Ros. These are wonderful. Looks like you had a lot of fun with the sewing machine. LOL
    I hadn't heard about Davy Jones. How sad. He was a big part of my childhood too and I was just thinking about the Monkees today. Heard one of their songs recently and they kept popping into my head. Kind of weird. LOL
    Have a great weekend! Hugs!

  10. Oh wow, you really got a lot done there, great job!!!!

  11. Oh, I am jealous, Ros! I have not made a single Christmas card yet in 2012...and in one post you have quite a few beauties. The Melissa Frances sticker looks positively stunning on the white. I adore the papers, stitching, and trims on each one. Lovely post!

  12. You active girl! Such pretty Christmas cards, you certainly know how to use your stickers in a fine way alright! Ira xox

  13. They are all beautiful:)
    Very pretty.
    Enjoy the weekend, hugs:)

  14. Wow, you are on a mission, 4 cards !!!! They are all so pretty, love the MF stickers. Have a good

  15. Wow, you are on a mission, 4 cards !!!! They are all so pretty, love the MF stickers. Have a good

  16. Love all your cards Ros! I too am saddened by Davy's death...I used to live in Beavertown, where he owned several places.

  17. Ros, you've provided more inspiration to me, using your bits and pieces to create the LOVELIEST selection of Christmas cards! Each one has such a delicate touch.

  18. lots of seasonal love and joy here Ros! I like you combined stickers with these! The one Stella sent you is my fave!

  19. Wow Ros! What a wonderful assortment of Christmas cards! My fave is the star with the shimmery crystal in the center ~ so elegant looking!

  20. Fabulous trio of cards. Lovely use of the stickers. I too remember watching Davy on t.v. in the Monkees. Very sad.

  21. oh my goodness *HOW* did you manage to make *FOUR* astonishingly beautiful sticker cards in just one go??! miss ros, you have never made a card i did NOT like... but these four are instant faves, and just soooooo jaw-droppingly sophisticated! well done, you!!!!! <3 <3 <3


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