Saturday, March 03, 2012

Playdate Cafe Challenge

It's not that often I get to make something for a challenge ... The Play Date Cafe was one of the first places I ever entered a challenge so I always pop over to see the weekly challenges and the inspiration on offer there ... This week they have another stunning photo

These colours are just so beautiful ... so last night I worked on a card trying to capture the beauty of this photo ....
The adorable chest of drawers ... I tried to replicate by painting a key and distressing it 

The backgound paper I used for "mojito' is from Bo Bunny ... and the "sand" coloured paper is K & Co from a pad my sweet friend Linda sent me ... It also has a hint of 'peony' in it and I stamped a butterfly postcard image onto  it several times ... you can probably just make that out

The heart is cut from calico backed onto card stock first ... and lightly stamped and inked on the edges too ... then I added the lovely flower and button with some tulle
So there we are ... my version of this weeks' challenge at The Play Date Cafe

Have yourselves a wonderful weekend ...
Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Ros, this is so dreamy and soft! Love the different textures of fabric and that key is just amazing!

  2. Very pretty Ros. The soft colors look great and I love that flower. the fabric looks great in the background!

  3. Ros, I am delighted to see you playing with us at The Play Date Cafe! I'm glad that you had some time to enter a challenge, just for fun. :)

    LOVE that distressed key you added to the card! It gives me loads of ideas just looking at it. The bit of burlap is a great touch too.

    Take care, and hugs to you!

  4. Very sweet creation Ros, love that fine shaped key and how you coloured it. Have a great weekend, Ira x

  5. I really believe you've captured the beauty of the photo in your card, Ros! Just lovely!

  6. Adoro seu cartão!! Seu coração, suas cores...Bom final de semana, amiga querida!

  7. Thank you for your lovely comment. This is BEAUTIFUL!

  8. gorgeous card Ros! Love the burlap affixed on the angle to create those peaks! That key is a beauty itself with the patina!

  9. Yep, I remember those days when I started playing with all the challenge blogs, now that i am so busy, I kind of just stick to that few (once in a while), this is a lovely card for the challenge, I do love the color palette and you did a fabulous job to bring out all the softness and sweetness!
    I am thinking to make some changes and find more time to do the things I love, like sewing, playing with mixed media, even digital photography, but i will have to cut down some of the work load first, we'll see.... someday soon! : )

  10. Gorgeous card, Ros! I love the background paper and the beautiful flower! The design is wonderful as well. Have a wonderful Sunday!

  11. that is a stunning inspiration picture Ros...and you certainly followed up with an equally stunning those soft colors and all the textures you used!
    BEAR HUGS xxx ~victoria~

  12. It's so pretty.... I love all your different bits of fabric... lovely, Ros!

  13. Beautiful card Ros! Love the pretty flower and the key embellishment! The fabric adds a nice homespun feel!

  14. This is so pretty, Ros. I love how you frayed your Aida and distressed your little key x

  15. What a gorgeous card.. It looks so soft and pretty. Just your style..

    Hugs, Linda

  16. Beautiful card`s so elegantly beautiful:)always a treat to catch up..have a lovely week:) my `friend`x

  17. Beautiful shabby chic card! Love your distressed key and definitely will be casing that idea!!!

  18. Beautiful card, love the details :)

  19. What a perfectly sweet, textural creation! So soft and serene! Thanks so much for playing along with us this week at The Play Date Cafe!

  20. Love all the pretty layers of soft texture and the sweet little key!

  21. Ros, how busy you are! I saw, that I missed a few projects... starting with this... I love the key :-) and the two-toned rose!

  22. These soft muted colors are gorgeous and I love your take on these colors. That key you painted and distressed really does the trick.Wow; love it!
    have a lovely evening....XXXX

  23. Very pretty!! Love the textures.

  24. So lovely - I love the addition of the key and texture of the burlap. Thank you so much for playing along at The Play Date Cafe this week.

  25. Just wanted to say you have a great site and thanks for posting!…


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