Sunday, April 08, 2012

Pixie Dust Paperie April Challenge


I hope you are having a wonderful weekend ... 

The new challenge at Pixie Dust Paperie has begun ... and this month Kirsty has picked a fabulous  challenge -   
Create a project related to a city  (e.g. London, Rome, Paris,  New york ... Any city in the world!)
The challenge title is "Fly Away With Me!!"

Everyday this week you will be able to see the projects from our design team ...

For me I chose London ... the place I spent a lot of my childhood ... a place full of happy memories for me ..... and what do you think of when you think of travel? A suitcase or a trunk maybe? 
Here's my 'well travelled' and 'shabby' little trunk...

I used papers from PaperMania's  Portobello Road and some travel stamps from Crafty Individuals and Elin's Huis

I started by making to boxes exactly the same size from card stock - covered them inside and out with paper and added an extra piece at the back to hinge them together (using brads) ...

... used a little more CS with a key hole for the front and some velcro to fasten ... The corners are made from circles cut in  pewter mirri board (score the circle into 4 and remove 1/4 of the circle to get the fold) ... All it needed then was a handle made again from card stock
Take a peek inside

Some English Afternoon Tea and a shabby heart

I scanned into my computer some of the Portobello Road paper and printed it on to fabric to make the heart

Just a few embellishments ... red white and blue and a little crown too ... As our Queen celebrates her Diamond Jubilee this year

... and there we have it ... my little London gift set!

Well I'm off to find some chocolate ... seeing as how it's Easter (like I need an excuse..Lol!)
I do hope you will be inspired to play along at Pixie  this month ... and I MUST mention that there are some FANTASTIC offers on at the moment ... hop over to the blog to see all the details ... I'd really hate for you to miss out!

Have a wonderful day ... Thanks for stopping by

~ Ros ~


  1. Wow this is stunning!
    Beautiful work:)
    Hugs, Heidi:)

  2. Fantastic idea and just brilliantly made:) Can I borrow your suitcase next weekend? I am off to London to help my lovely daughter move into her new flat? :)

    Love xxx

  3. Absolutely fabulous detailed work, Ros. I love that you print onto fabric for coordinating sewing projects xx

    Hope you're enjoying a lovely Easter weekend xx

  4. What a beautiful vintage looking trunk. Fabulous job on all the pretty details.

    Happy Easter, Ros!


  5. Stunning !!! Have a good

  6. oh Ros! I think you have outdone yourself! This is fabulous! love your trunk!!

  7. Ahhh...... what a WONDERFUL creation, lots of heart and love in this project, thanks for sharing!
    And happy easter!!!

  8. Ros!!! Este é um projeto muito muito muito especial!! Adorei seu cubo, coração e a mala!!!! Voce deve ter se divertido confeccionando e o resultado ficou lindo!!

  9. What a fabulous gift set, Ros, I love your trunk, your challenge set is wonderful! Have a wonderful Monday!

  10. Love the colours of your project Ros !

  11. What a fabulous project Ros! Love the London/travel theme! Hope you have a great Monday!

  12. Beautiful vintage looking trunk!!!Totally beautiful... and what Fantastic idea ...I love it... hugs..xoxo

  13. This is fabulous Ros! I imagine the Jubilee celebration is going to be out of this world. I just love all the r/w/b you've used to keep with the them. Awesome project! Hugs!

  14. Oh my goodness. What a lovely creation. I just love this. You my friend are so creative..

    Hugs, Linda

  15. WOW!! What a gorgeous set of London-related projects! Your creative imagination is admirable! I guess I would have never thought of projects like these...
    Enjoy your day,
    PS:Can you recommend any scrapbooking stores in London?

  16. What a wonderful case and so beautifully designed and then you open it and it gets better and better! Your little pillows are fantastic!


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