Friday, May 18, 2012

Friends and Birthdays

Hi there!
I hope you are all well and looking forward to the weekend ... I have no idea where this week went to and how it's suddenly friday again...

Yesterday my lovely blog buddy Keren came round ... bearing gifts and her usual pretty smile ... And we had a fun few hours together chatting and laughing ...
Those these photos don't really do it justice ... this is a lovely Handmade tote bag she gave me ...

Beautiful fabric in such lush colours

and it's reversible ...

Thank you so much Keren ... I love it!

If you haven't visited my uber talented friend ... you really should ... she has such a unique style and is regularly featured in both Crafts Beautiful and Simply Cards & Papercrafts magazines ...

At the end of this month I have a few friends and family who are celebrating birthdays and anniversaries ... I am trying to get my cards done ready to post and this is one I did for one of my brothers ... he doesn't read my blog so it will be ok to show you ... he is very much into photography hence the theme of this card

This proved quite a difficult card to photograph for some reason ... the mirri card used on the camera and the acetate used on the film strip don't help

The camera, film strip and the saying was cut on the Cameo and I found a photo which I printed several times to slide under the strip ... papers are a mix of Basic grey (striped) and Docrafts Wellington range .... the little book sticker is also from the Wellington range 

Have you plans for the weekend? I'm off to Lincoln to see my Aunt ... she not been too well so I'm looking forward to catching up and making sure all is well ... 
Have a lovely weekend whatever you are doing ... 

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. What an awesome card!! WOW.
    You sure are a lucky lady.. that tote is beautiful!
    Hope your weekend is a good one!!

  2. How wonderful to hear you had such a great time with your friend, there's nothing better than a good friend! Such a pretty tote from Karen and your card for your brother is so cool, love that film strip and LO!

  3. Your card is beautiful!
    And the bag is so pretty:)
    Enjoy the weekend, hugs:)

  4. Aww.. Thanks!! That means a lot coming from you. I love the film strip on the card- what a fab idea! Hope your Aunt improves quickly xx

  5. Such a cute card for your brother! He is sure to LOVE it! That tote bag from your friend is just DARLING!

  6. Love the bag from your dear friend Ros and that masculine card is fabulous! Love the photography theme! The filmstrip adds a great touch! Surely your brother will treasure this!

  7. What a fun birthday card and your bag is fabulous! Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. That is a beautiful gift you received!
    And i love the masculine card, those film strip are fabulous!
    Have fun with your aunt and I hope she feels better soon, we are driving up to LA this weekend to get Clare home for the summer!

  9. Love the tote Ros... you are talented and amazing!!! The card is wonderful too.... Hugs...xoxo

  10. Your gifty bag is super cute Ros. I'm sure you'll find something special to put in it (like crafty goodies LOL) You brother's card is over the top fun! Love the camera cut out and especially the film strip. He's gonna love this! Hugs!

  11. Beautiful tote bag, Ros! And I love that card for your brother. Great theme and I'm sure he'll love it!

  12. What a cute bag. And I love the card you made. The photo strip is so cool.

  13. Oh WOW, I love that tote and your card is spectacular!!! What a wonderful friend to have made you such a precious gift. I hope you had a fabulous weekend, my friend.

  14. What a pretty bag. So sweet of her to make this for you. Love the film strip card for your brother.


  15. Lovely bag! The card is perfect for a photographer! Love the strip with the photos and the main image!

  16. oh my you are totally becoming the STAR of the silhoutte cutter... i just ♥LOVE♥ that amazing frame... and the filmstrip... this is BRILLIANT in every sense!!! (ps: i think you did realllllllllly well with the pics... i had to photo something reflective yesterday and you shall see on friday how BADLY i did!!!) :)


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