Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Rose Is a Rose

Good morning sweet friends
Today at City Crafter Cheryl is our hostess and she has asked that we create a project with a rose (or roses) on our project and this is the lovely inspiration photo for you

Our sponsor this again this week is the Digital Paper Shop 

And again we are using images supplied by Janet ... and you too can win one or two of her lovely images ...
Our talented Guest Designer is Mloda Kobieta ... who makes exquisite projects and cards

Right ... on to my project 
I chose to use the lovely vintage tickets for this project 

One of the best things about digital images is that you can alter the size to suit your needs and I enlarged this ticket for the front of my project which of course has pretty roses on it ... can you guess what this is? No ... not a notebook ...

It's a candle 'card' with a little pocket that holds that tag
and as you can see I used a smaller version of the ticket for the pocket and the tag...
And so you can see how it looks once the candle is removed ...

Of course I could have used an acetate front and put some chocolates in ... but I went with the candle ... I didn't have a template .. I just kinda made it up as I went

Pink paper and script paper are by Grace Taylor ... and I used a little piece of scrap text paper too

Please take a minute to check out all the DT samples and hopefully you too will be inspired to join us this week at City Crafter ...

Have a beautiful day and thank you for stopping by

~ Ros ~


  1. The 'candle card' is really wonderful, Ros!


  2. WOW Ros, this is beautiful. You are always coming up with such clever gift ideas!!

  3. This little beauty really leaves me lost for words Ros, you have really beaten the French, oh-la-la, yes you did! A true stunner, that's what this is!

  4. Ros this is so pretty the lace is beautiful and the tag is just an extra bonus

  5. Oh my goodness Ros!! You have outdone yourself! Absolutely GORGEOUS! LOVE your use of the lace!

  6. Beautiful candle card, Ros, that idea is a keeper! Absolutely gorgeous project, love Paris and all the roses. Have a wonderful Tuesday!

  7. Wow this is stunning, Ros. I've never seen a card like this before, very inspiring. Deb xxx

  8. that is gorgeous and it's so gorgeous I'd be happy to receive with nothing inside. I'd just look at it and have romantic dreams of Paris

  9. Gorgeous project Ros! One can never have too many Roses IMO :) The lace trim sure adds lots of elegance!

  10. What a great idea, Ros! Love the pretty French image and soft pink colors. :)


  11. Gorgeous gift set! Love the lacy details and the design!

  12. Oh, Ros, gradually I´m running dry with my vocabulary... gorgeous, stunning... you read that a million times for sure! But it´s true! Each and everyone of your projects is a feast for my eyes. I especially love this stunning lace on your candle card!

  13. WOW!!! What a gorgeous candle card ... and that little pocket with a tag...its so pretty Ros... hugs...xoxo

  14. oh! my! GOSH!!! ♥♥♥ i think i'd better type FASSSSSST before i swoon with delight! you have made some CRACKING giftsets over the years missus, but i think this one might take the prize for BEST EVER!!! i'm loading a second tab right now to find that eiffel tower ticket at DPS... you can tell miss janet *YOU* singlehandedly sold that to me, k??!?! :)

  15. What a fantastic project, Ros! Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!

  16. This is gorgeous!
    Beautiful work Ros:)
    Hugs, Heidi:)

  17. Oh how beautiful! I adore that Eiffel Tower image and making this a tea light card is such a great idea. This really is a stunner Ros! Hugs!

  18. Oh wow, what a GORGEOUS project, not only I love that ticket with the eiffel, I love how beautiful this gift is, lots of love and effort being put in too!

  19. What an amazing project. You have outdone yourself here. It really is gorgeous...


  20. Oh my, what a beautiful project, Ros. Gorgeous papers, ribbon and lace.

  21. Thank you for your comment on my blog
    This card is gorgeous! I really love it!

  22. This is a really pretty box, love such soft colours and all the details you´ve used and Ejfel pic are just wonderful.


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