Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Bon Voyage ....

So it's my turn again to host a challenge at City Crafter Challenge blog and this challenge is about Holidays ... (or Vacation as my sweet American friends would say)...

Here in the UK the school summer holidays have just begun and my challenge to you this week is to 
Create a Bon Voyage card or project ... 
Simple huh? 

Here is your inspirational photo

Those were the days ... when you could take as much luggage as you wanted on on airplane ... and people got dressed up ... don't get me started ...
We have the lovely Lauren with us again as Guest Designer ... just loving her projects ... and the DT have been hard at work so hop over and take a look

I made an album to store or those cruise photos in ... I know it will take me ages to scrap them ... but hey it's a start

I sandwiched thick corrugated card between 2 pieces of cardstock before covering them so the album is very sturdy

Couldn't resist sticking those photos in

... some beach bits and bobs from my stash with fisherman net and rope from Calico Crafts

... little stickers by Jolie's Boutique

I'm not sure where I got the blue water effect paper ... but the other paper is by Prima and the 'Bon voyage' was cut on my silhouette ...

My team mates and I at CCCB would really love to see what you create ... so come and join us and don't forget to link up

Thanks so much for stopping by ... have a lovely day

~ Ros ~


  1. Super collage card, Ros. I love how you have you and hubby peeking from the porthole and lifebuoy x

  2. beautiful blue album Ros... the blueish...goes very well with your cruise photos...clever thing to do!!!... so cute..the way you placed your photo and DH too...Awesome...hugs...xoxo

  3. Oh MY, Ros! I LOVE this album cover! LOVE all of the beachy detail - the net is a FAB background! And I LOVE the photos of you both in the words! How FUN this album will be to fill with all of your special memories!

  4. ooooooooooooh la la! i now have a SERIOUS case of travel book envy! this is just totally BEYOND awesome in every respect, altho my very VERY favorite part is the porthole & life preserver windows with pics of you & your ian! ♥AWESOME♥!!! great challenge, missus, i predict we will see some amazing projects! ♥

  5. What a lovely album! So much detail - you might not even need to put pictures in and still people will admire it for hours!

  6. Gorgeous Bon voyage album, Ros, I love where you put yours and your husbands pictures on the cover! Fabulous project and great challenge! Have a wonderful Tuesday!

  7. Gorgeous album cover Ros, you couldn't have made a finer first page, really love how you inserted both of your photos, fun! Ira x

  8. Your album looks fantastic!
    I love how you put the photos:)
    Beautiful details.
    Hugs, Heidi:)

  9. This is absolutely gorgeous, Ros, and such a great idea! I have faith in you to get 'em all in there ;). LOVE all the textures you've tied into the front of it and those sweet, little pics of you both! LOVE!

  10. WOWZER.. What a fabulous book. I love your little photos in the port holes and life vest, so clever. It will be perfect to fill with photos from your cruise..


  11. Que capa cheia de detalhes! Que alegre e divertido suas pequenas fotos! Também adorei sua rede e pequenas gaivotas! Boa semana, querida amiga!

  12. This is SO clever - love your pictures in the buoys!

  13. How funny, I need to make an effort to say "vacation" instead of using the word "holidays" after I moved to the US, not just this, I need to change the way I spell too.
    I love your mini book, especially the photo of Ian in that life-saver. Wonderful job my friend!


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