Monday, July 23, 2012

Thinking of you ...

Hello ... I hope you are all well ... 
I am just popping in to mention a couple of things ...
First of all ... Thank You to the lovely ladies at CR84FN for picking This set as one of the Terrific Top 3 last week ... I am truly honoured!

Secondly I want to tell you about a fantastic giveaway at Ingvild Bolme's blog Here

Just look at all the gorgeous Prima supplies 

I confess I had never visited Ingvild's blog before ... I followed a link from my blog buddy Tracy

Ingvid is from Norway ... Stavanger in fact ... A place I visited for the first time this year and loved ... Norway had a memorial just this weekend for the terrible loss of life both from a terrorist bomb and from the horrendous massacre of beautiful young people by a deranged gunman ... If you wish to you can follow this on Ingvild's blog

This month here in the UK we remembered the people who were killed and maimed in the London bombings ...  

And just this weekend ... many will be stunned and devastated by the senseless loss of life in Denver  USA  ... 

My thoughts are with you all ... people I have never met but I have shed many tears for ...

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. What a lot of goodies, Ros! Hope you have a great evening!

  2. Looks like a fabulous givaway.. And it is so sad what happened in Colorado. My niece used to live in Aurora were it happened. Pretty scary. I can't even imagine.

    HOpe all is well with you my sweet friend.

  3. Loads of goodness to win!!! This is awesome... thanks for sharing... hugs...xoxo

  4. Thanks for the lead, I might try my luck if I have time!

  5. Congrats on your top 3 Ros, well done and well deserved! Imagine to win all that candy, good luck!!


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