Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Keys and Locks ...


It's time for another challenge at Papercraft Star and this week it's about adding a key and/or lock to your project ... Jan sure comes up with some great challenges ...
As always we have The House Across The Bay sponsoring us and this week our Star Designer is Sylvia ... you don't want to miss her lovely creation and those of the rest of the DT

Being a DT member is great for me ... It challenges me in more ways than I can have imagined ... looking back on some of my early work ... I cringe ... what was I thinking? And though I would never class myself as being in the same league as some of you talented people ... I have grown so much ... 
Why am I telling you this? Simply because I wondered where this card came from ...

... what the idea or thought behind it was ... but it means something to me...

Being a DT member and following your blogs and challenges I've learnt to put colours together that I would never have thought of ... added things to projects I wouldn't maybe have used ...  and yes many times when I get a brief from the blogs I design for ... I am stumped ... the idea, design or concept doesn't come immediately ... unlike so many of you ... 
But I have always been led with my heart in what I do ... my mood or my spirit ....

Like my blog ... my creations tell a story

How about you?

Pink and grey papers are by Tim Hotlz ... keys are cut using a SB die and pewter mirri board... the heart is also a SB die and the paper is a digital by Gennifer Bursett ... card cut on the Cameo and the black velvet border is by Habico 

I hope you will join us this week at Papercraft Star ... we look forward to seeing your creations

Have a happy day

~ Ros ~


  1. Beautiful card and I love the colours you used!

  2. Your card is beautiful, Ros. I love your gorgeous layered butterfly! Such a lovely colour combo, too xx

    Fortunately, we are high up here. Apart from our lawns looking like swamps, we haven't been too badly affected by the deluge, thanks, Ros. I hope you have been okay and no flooding in your area xx

  3. Gorgeous card, Ros! Love that layered butterfly.

  4. E vejo esse amor, alegria em seus projetos...como esse! A sua borboleta é magnífica assim em camadas...e que belas cores combinando!!! Ros, amiga, que voce tenha uma ótima semana com muito amor!

  5. Just beautiful Ros! I adore your soft colours and I love your little story and I love reading your blog.

    Deanne :)

  6. Such a pretty card!!! Love it... hugs...xoxo

  7. This is just stunning Ros. I love the butterflies layered on the heart and the way you incorporated the keys is fabulous. :)


  8. Your card is beautiful Ros, I really like the butterflies! Don't know where the idea came from but it is an awesome card. Have a wonderful day.

  9. It looks gorgeous... and mysterious, too! I love the pink of the layered butterfly!

  10. What a gorgeous card. Your layered butterfly looks so pretty.


  11. So pretty Ros! I LOVE the layered butterfly! Gorgeous!

  12. So interesting, Ros, because i always look at YOUR creations and sigh! They are always so lovely and many times I wish I had YOUR style, even though I am ever evolving, too!!! LOVE this card! LOVE the layered butterfly and the keys and the black trim. Am really going to try and play again this week!

  13. This is such a lovely design Ros. :-) Beautiful card. Hugs!

  14. Beautiful card~beautiful mix of colors!! LIke you I look back at some of earlier projects and think ugh....but sometimes I still think that...I have very good creative moments and then get in a slump, which I am in now...have a nice week!

  15. That's exactly what makes crafting so special Ros, that there's a deeper meaning behind things (or to me it is, at least). You've always been a tremendously fine and talented card maker and your key card is so beautifully poised and well adorned... Hugs, Ira

  16. What I always love about your style, Ros, is that no one else has cards that look like yours. I think that is one of the very best qualities to have, and your creativeness is far more than what you award yourself. That TH paper has never looked so soft - again, I would never have thought to bring it down to something so small, but it works beautifully ! And I hope you will stay on our DT forever !! Hugs, Ros !! -J-

  17. Absolutely beautiful, that layered butterfly just work magic on this beautiful creation!

  18. Great story behind your gorgeous card. Love the butterflies. Love this!

  19. Ros, this is utterly romantic and dreamy! I could stare at it all day! The layered butterflies on the heart is wonderful!

  20. Gorgeous die and black delicate and lovely, Ros. Beautiful card!

  21. Wow!! that is seriously stunning, I love the colours x


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