Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Good morning everyone ... 

It's time for another challenge at City Crafter and our hostess this week is Kirsty who is asking that we make a Halloween card or project ... however, as we in the UK don't usually send halloween cards and lots of people don't celebrate the halloween ... you can just make a card or project using halloween colours ...

We have the very talented Colleen Dietrich guesting for us this week ... I'm sure most of you know Colleen ... a worthy winner from week 120 ... Her lovely blog is full of inspiration and well worth a visit.

Now our sponsor this week is Freckled Fawn ... who are not only offering a $15 gift certificate to their store ... BUT they are offering Free Shipping for both domestic and international orders for those who enter the challenge ... the offer is open until the end of the challenge 
To receive your discount ... use the promo code "CityCrafters" at the checkout ...

I actually chose to make a halloween slider card for this challenge 

The little cat's face is a digital image from the Graphics Fairy ... I blacked out the eyes using photoshop and then used rubons to get the face

I just love the expression on his face

... and of course as you tilt the card ... the rosette and the cat's head spin round ... 
(wish I could show you that ... )

Far too many pictures I know ... I just love playing with this card 

So, if you're still with me ... I hope you will hop over to the blog and check out the creations from the rest of the DT ... Join in the fun this week and you could win the gift certificate ... or take advantage of the free shipping for all CCCB entrants and check out all the lovely goods at Freckled Fawn ...

Have a great day ... Thanks for stopping by and Stay safe

~ Ros ~


  1. This is boo cute, Ros! Great card!

  2. Adorable card...love how it slides!!

  3. Wow..wonderful how you made the cat. There are lots of black cats on people's minds at Halloween. Lovely work and how clever to make a slider card.

  4. This is adorable, Ros. I love the sheer ribbons, your sweet cat face and rosette...well, everything really! x

  5. Ros, I LOVE your blog header. It is just too, too beautiful!

    The card is neat! Its design is fun, and I like what you did with the black kitty from Graphics Fairy.

    THanks for having me as your guest designer this week!

  6. Totally embarrassing, Ros, I was thinking about Kirsty and wondering why she had switched to comment moderation! Please delete first comment. I do love your card and love the cat head moving. Sorry you are getting so much rain, but somewhere it must be needed! Have a wonderful day and I know you got a laugh from the first comment!

  7. That is just supercute Ros! The look on your kitty's face is priceless and I love that rosette around its cute face, it's like a collar! A lovely Halloween card! Hugs, Ira

  8. This is so cute. I just love the bingo card in the back ground.


  9. Oh, what a sweet card!! I LOVE it!

  10. What a wonderful card!! I love the slider with the cat head, so cute!!!

  11. How cute this card is!!! Love it...Ros... hugs...xoxo

  12. Totally fun card Ros! he even matches the kitty in your sidebar. :-) Hugs!

  13. This is fun, how lovely is that kitty on medallion! Love it!


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