Monday, September 24, 2012

Rain again ...

Hi there ... 
I hope you had a good weekend ... 
I was so thrilled to see that my card Here had been picked for Top Mouse award at WaltzingMouse!!
Thank you so much ladies!!

We have a lot of rain again today .. it's expected to last a while with a whole months worth falling in the next 2 days ... We are expecting high winds too.

I had to go off to the Post Office this morning and already the roads are flooded ... I worry about my little stray cat ... Did I tell you about him? We've been feeding him for a long time now and though he is not too well ... he is improving with a little love and food. I guess he finds shelter somewhere because he doesn't come for food when it rains ... I know ... I'm just a sucker where animals are concerned ... I even gave in to my squirrel and put out some nuts for him ... In return he agreed to be photographed

Yeh I know ... rats with fluffy tails ... but who didn't shed a tear in the movie Ben?

Anywho ... I have another bracelet ... I've actually made a few more  ... I find them addictive ... the thing is I forgot to photograph one before I gave it away and the next one I sent as a gift ... so you have to wait a while to see that ... but I do have this one 

Using book pages for the beads ... actually it wasn't until after I made it that I saw This gorgeous creation by the amazing Betsy Veldman ... 

I just used beads I had in my box of broken jewellery ... and the pretty leaf is from a pack I bought a while ago ... 
I've been busy with DT projects .. so it's nice to have something different to move on to

Ok ... so that's it for now ... I'm back tomorrow for the new challenge at CCCB ... hope to see you then

Thanks for visiting and for all your encouraging comments ...
Have a good day

~ Ros ~


  1. Beautiful bracelet, Ros, love all of your bits! I can believe you feed the squirrel, but am surprised you feed him shelled peanuts. Mine won't eat nuts, they like to shell their own sunflower seeds. Yours is way fatter than ours! They are fun to watch. Hope your weather improves to your liking soon! Have a wonderful evening.

  2. That just shows the love you have inside you for both humans and animals Ros. Your little squirrel is so adorable, I'd feed him, too! And you're turning into one fine jewelry maker girl, love your new bracelet! Hugs, Ira

  3. Hi Ros.
    I do remember you mentioning about a cat. Don't worry! They often have more than one feeding station and they are quite good at looking after themselves. The squirel is very photogenic..I love them too...Hope you don't get washed away. We had some rain, but not really that much in comparison.
    Love the bracelet!

  4. Congrats on your latest recognition Ros! Cute squirrel pic! Your bracelet is beautiful!

  5. Well I'm a rat lover too then cause I like my squirrels. :-) Your bracelet is wonderful Ros. The book pages really made fun and interesting beads. Can't wait to see some more! Hugs!

  6. Beautiful! Our squirrels are hard at work too. cherry

  7. Gorgeous and good of you to feed the little stray...we have one we have been feeding for 5 or 6 years, that had a broken foot and has healed sideways...he is a feral cat, but I can get close to him...sometimes I don't see him for 2 weeks then he shows up...have a nice day and try to stay "dry"!!

  8. Awww.. What a cute squirrel. So sweet of you to help the little fella out. I would do the same. Your bracelet looks so pretty.


  9. Rats with tails?! Who would ever say that? I love squirrels! He's a cutie... And your bracelet is gorgeous, too. I'm more into cards right now, can't stop...

  10. Beautiful bracelet Ros!! I love the colors:) Your little squirrel is soo cute. I hope your little kitty is safe from the rains. I tell you if I were able I would send you a little heat and sunshine for some of your rain. Take care!

  11. That is such a lovely bracelet with sweet colors!
    Hope the rain stop by now!


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