Friday, October 26, 2012

More gifts

Hi there!
Thanks so much for your sweet comments and advise on how to treat this cold / flu ... I am feeling much better ... just need to get rid of this cough ...

I've been kept busy with some DT work and all I have to share today is a couple of gifts I made for a friend ... to go with This birthday card

It can be quite therapeutic making these bracelets ... This one doesn't have any handmade beads ... I have a big jar where I keep beads ... some are from old or broken jewellery ... some are new pieces that I buy now and then ... 

The necklace looks much nicer in real life ... it has glitter in which is hard to capture

I made a couple of boxes to put these in using the same digital paper that I used on the card ... I printed it directly onto card stock

I'm afraid my photos are not very good on these due to the weather we were having ...
Today it is a lovely bright and crisp Autumn day ... though we are expecting freezing temperatures in the next few days ...

Have a beautiful weekend my friends and thanks so much for visiting me

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Glad to hear that you are feeling better, hope that your cough leaves. This gift set is so very pretty Ros. I love the colours and your packaging is outstanding!

  2. oh...Ros...adoro esse conjunto...é adorável fazer joias, né? Eu estou empolgada com as pulseiras... Sua amiga com certeza ficará muito feliz...

  3. Glad you are feeling better, Ros, your gifts are lovely as is the packaging. You are always making something lovely. It is cool today and gray, but I will still get in some yard work. No rain yet! Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Glad to hear that you are starting to feel better now Ros... Wow, you can't beat a real jewelry maker, you even wrap your jewelry in a much nicer fashion! Hugs, Ira x

  5. So good to know your health is improving - just make sure really do get rid of that cough... the one going around here is very persistent. Love the colors on your fancy jewellery pieces - and such gorgeous boxes, too!

  6. Beautiful gifts, love the bracelet and the necklace. Gorgeous colours! Have a lovely weekend, too! x

  7. Just love your bracelets Ros and the necklace's are so much fun with those lovely vintage images captured under glass. Hugs!

  8. Beautiful projects Ros! Love the pretty beaded bracelet and charm! What a stunning way to present them! Hop you have a great weekend!

  9. I am glad you are getting better.... and the gifts are just so pretty, and the packaging, oh m..... simply delightful!

  10. Glad to hear that you are feeling better:)
    Wow beautiful work Ros!
    The colours are so pretty:)
    Hugs, Heidi:)

  11. so sorry you have not been feelin well Ros! I love your jewelry...and think the way you are packaging it is gorgeous!

  12. These look so pretty. That bracelet is gorgeous. I love the bracelet you made for me. And I love the packaging you made. Pretty,Pretty my friend.

    Glad to hear your feeling a bit better.


  13. Glad to hear that you are feeling better Ros!!! These are beautiful!!!! hugs...xoxo

  14. Glad to hear youre feeling better Ros.

    Beautiful gifts and the colours are so pretty, you really are very talented x

  15. Everything is beautiful! I made jewelry before I was into papercrafts. I have a hugs supply of beads and tools. My mom was even more into it than I was, when she passed away I got all her supplies. :)


  16. Wow these come out so lovely! The packaging looks great.



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