Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Going Home and Tears for Connecticut

Hello ...

I know it's Tuesday which usually see me sharing my DT project for City Crafter Challenge ... But we are taking a 2 week break so the new challenge will be starting on New Years' Day.

 The time has come for me to leave Lincoln for a while ... I am travelling back home today ... bittersweet ... I have to leave my Aunt and the beautiful countryside but I will get to see my son and husband and of course my cats ... I can't say I am looking forward to all the work that awaits me though!

I thought I'd share just a few photos I took whilst staying here ...

The view from my window ... a cold and frosty morning ... I saw a fox walk by but he didn't stay long enough for me to photograph him

and when the sun comes out 

... we get a beautiful sunset

I couldn't end this post without mentioning the dreadful events in Connecticut ... 

My heart is heavy with your loss and my sympathies are with everyone that has been affected ... 

There are some things in this world that we can never begin to understand yet we cannot live in fear nor let our children live in fear ... 
Many hearts will never mend from this atrocity ... Lives will be changed forever ... so many victims ... 
Stay strong and in doing so you do not allow yourself to be another one of his victims ... 
Choose to be a survivor ...

Have a wonderful day and please note that there will be no new challenge at Papercraft Star either this week ... our new challenge begins 26th December

~ Ros ~


  1. Stunning photos Ross! Have a safe trip home again and I could n't agree more with what you wrote about the dreadful events in Connecticut.....

  2. I am so glad that your are able to be home for Christmas, Ros, although I know that you enjoyed time with your aunt! Hope this finds you traveling safe and that the journey will be a quick one. Have a wonderful Tuesday.

  3. A very beautiful post Ros, your photos are amazing, so much beauty... So happy that you notice these things, for that's life, isn't it? Enjoy the small gifts that life bestows upon you. That's why we have to keep the light in our hearts for those who have left our world... Take care my friend, Ira x

  4. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos, Ros. Do take care!

  5. I do hope you had a safe journey home. I really enjoyed your photos.
    Those little birds are so sweet.

    It was so tragic what happened in Sandy Hook. I can't even watch. It upsets me so. My prayer go out to all who were affected by this senseless tragedy.


  6. I can see why you love Lincoln, such peaceful scenery!
    have a safe trip home!

  7. Beautiful photos and post Ros! Safe travels!

  8. Lots of Beautiful Pics Ros!! Looks icy cold. Very wise words, we all need to choose to be a survivor in the midst of tragedy. Have a great week Ros :)

  9. Hi Ros!

    Beautiful pictures! Thinking of you and hope for safe travels!

  10. hi dearie, beautiful photos. wishing you safe travels. also wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and Happy Happy New Year! thank you for checking in on me and for sending me such a wonderful Christmas card in the mail. i really appreciate it. big *hugs* and much aloha to you always, steph :)

  11. Really beautiful photographs, Ros!!


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