Friday, December 14, 2012

Is it Friday?

Hi there!
I'm kinda lost with the days here ... In fact sitting in my Aunts cosy little home in the peacefulness ... The rain lashing on the windows and the cat's gentle breathing as she sleeps next to me, I could be forgiven for forgetting that in 10 days time it will be Christmas Eve! 
At home I would be in the hustle and bustle of the Christmas shoppers ... panicking about what I have and haven't got ... but that can all wait until next week....
My best gift this year has been having this time with my Aunt and seeing her getting stronger each day 

I have a few more tags to share ... I made them yesterday whilst she slept

I cut out the pockets on my Cameo before I came here... printed the tags on my computer and cut them with a sizzix die tags

Just little pieces of papers to decorate and some holly leaves and berries

A whole big spray of the holly and berries only cost me £1.50 from Wilkinson's Store and I can make heaps of things with one spray ... 

Ok so maybe the leaves are a bit big but I think these will look really pretty on the present I haven't got yet ... Lol! Well I have got some but there are quite a few yet to buy ... No doubt come the day I will be organised ... I hope! 

I hope you are having a lovely day wherever you are ... Thanks for stopping by 

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Your tags are beautiful, Ros, don't fret, you will get everything done in time as you have had some time to rest before the hustle and bustle comes again! So glad you are enjoying your stay with your aunt. Happy Friday!

  2. They're wonderful! They're fresh and crisp and I just love 'em Ros. Hugs!

  3. Beautiful festive tags, Ros. I love the the pockets and pretty holly.
    My Cameo as also been used quite a lot over the past few weeks. I love to make gift boxes and it makes life so much easier when you can cut a few at a time.
    Hope your aunt is feeling much better today xx

  4. Your aunt is so lucky to have you, Ros. Wishing you both lots of peaceful times. You paint a lovely picture of calm!
    I love the use of real holly for your tags!

  5. There is nothing more precious or valuable than the gift of your time. Glad your Aunt is getting stronger. Merry Christmas! By the way, those tags are beautiful.

  6. We actually are having a bit of rain also here in the desert. What a treat for us here. I just love it. Your little tags are adorable.


  7. And you're so right Ros... isn't it the best Christmas present to have your Aunt around and to enjoy each other's company? It's wonderful to have such a strong relationship. Your tags look very festive! Ira x

  8. Loving your tag and glad to hear you are having such a peaceful time with your aunt! Way more important than all the hype and stress that can so easily take over in the run up to Christmas. good for you! (well and your aunt of course)

  9. I love the Christmas tags, they are very cheerful!
    Glad to hear that your aunt and you and having a peaceful time together!

  10. Beautiful tags Ros! Puts me in the holiday spirit!

  11. Glad your aunt is improving. Enjoy your time there. Your tags are lovely - very festive.

  12. All your gorgeous tags make me think I should start making some, too... I had "eliminated" tags from my Christmas presents some years ago. Mmmmmhhhhh.

  13. Cute tags Ros! I think the leaves are just perfect.


  14. These will look beautiful on your packages....we had our big family Christmas on I now I can get back into creating....I had wrapped about 120 gifts...exhausting...I still have my hubby and Mom to shop for...taking a break for a few days....hope your Auntie is doing well and you can return home soon!!


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