Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Happy New Year!!

First off let me wish you all A very 
Happy and Healthy 2013
May you find peace and happiness follow you ...

I am late with this post ... I promise it is not going to be this way for the rest of 2013 ... Apart from being totally lost with the days ... There have been some family issues to deal with which I could not turn away from ... I am praying for wisdom and guidance so that these problems can be resolved ... 

Today of course starts the first challenge of the year for City Crafter .. and quite fittingly our creator Kirsty is hosting for us ... 
Kirsty is asking that we include a vintage boy and girl on our projects 

I don't usually work with these images so at first I was a little stumped ... but then I found a gorgeous image on the web that inspired me to create this card

The BG dottie paper is from from a lovely pad by MME Lauren sent me and I used some of my scraps and sewed them together with silver thread to compliment the blues and greys in the image

Prima flowers and a little clock together with some lace and pearls just complete the look I was going for ...

I am going to send this card to a blog friend overseas who sent me a beautiful Christmas card ... 

I hope you will hop on over to the City Crafter blog to check out the projects from the rest of the DT and be inspired to join us this week ... My dear sweet blog friend Jacira is our Guest Designer ... she has the most delicate and whimsical style that I just know you will love ... Please say "Hi" to her

All that's left for me to say is to wish you a beautiful New Years Day and to thank all of you who have followed me and taken the time to leave me such lovely inspiring comments throughout the year... I treasure your friendship ...

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Ros, you chose a wonderful image! I enjoy cards with polka dots, umbrellas and vintage elements. Your card is beautiful and lovely, as always.

    Happy New Year, my friend! I pray your family issues work out and that you have many blessings in 2013.

  2. Happy New Year, Ros. I hope 2013 will be a better year for you.
    Your vintage boy and girl card is very pretty. Such a lovely image with beautiful papers and embellishing xx

  3. Beautiful card Ros! Love the fancy stitched background and sweet vintage image! Happy New Year to you and your family!

  4. Happy New Year to you, too, Ros, hope this will be a wonderful year for you and your loved ones. Your card looks so sweet with that pretty image and wonderful design and how lovely that our friend Jacira is GD! Hugs, Ira

  5. It is beautiful, Ros!
    Hope your situations resolve themselves, don't worry too much.
    Hope you found your energy and roll on spring.
    Much love

  6. Such a lovely card Ros! The soft blues look so calming and the flowers add a very elegant touch! x

  7. Gorgeous card and love the clever sewing!!

  8. What a sweet creation! Love the lovely image and gorgeous details!
    I wish 2013 brings you lots of joy, and everything will turn out well for you and family, you are always in my heart Ros!!!!!

  9. Happy New Year! What a cute image that is - and I love the pastel blue! I hope your prayers will be answered soon and solutions found. Any solution is better than staying in limbo.

  10. Absolutely gorgeous and delightfully vintage, Ros! Happy New Year!

  11. Happy New Year, dear friend! I hope that this will be one of blessing for you.
    Your image is just perfect. It all works so well together... the beautiful papers, the silver thread, that pretty lace and the clock... LOVE the clock!!!

  12. Happy New Year, Ros, wishing you all the best! Beautiful card, the image is sweet and I love what you did with the papers, all that wonderful stitching! Hugs for the new year!

  13. Oh wow! I love that image too. Perfect match for your papers and the clock face is really fun. I'll be keeping you and your family in my prayers Ros. Hope everything works out well. Hugs!

  14. What a beautiful card. I love the image you used. And I also love the design of your card.. I will keep you in my prayers hoping everything will work out for you and your family!


  15. What a precious image Ros! I love the diagonal stitched pieces with the dots and image. Beautiful ;)
    Praying that you will find a resolution that gives you peace of mind.

  16. Happy New Year, Ros and what a GORGEOUS card!! That image is precious!

  17. So sweet and ever so lovely! Gorgeous stitching with beautiful elements! Hope things get resolved with family soon. Take care, hugs!

  18. This is one fabulous card Ros, your stitching technique is so spectacular!


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