Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Papercraft Star

Hi there!
I hope you all enjoyed your New Year's Day
DH and I took a drive and ended up at Debenhams where I spied a couple of lovely coats ... Thing was I just couldn't make up my mind which to have ... So my hubby decided to buy them both for me!
I have a birthday coming up and we also have our wedding anniversary in a few days so they are my gifts ... Lucky me!

I'm here today to share my DT project for Papercraft Star ... well this week we are actually sharing our best Papercraft Star project of 2012 ... 
I only joined the lovely ladies on the Design Team in May of 2011 and to pick one project from the countless challenges Jan has set for us was really hard ... In the end I settled for the project I made for challenge 119 which was a Warm Beverage... The original post is Here

I remember feeling stumped when it came to this challenge ... But as it turned out it gave me the opportunity to make a card and gift for a friend at church who was going through a rough time ... and you know we Brits Always drink tea ... especially in a crisis ... we say "I'll put the kettle on .... " whenever anyone calls or wants to talk ...

I know that my friend really loved this little set ... But most of all it cheered her no end to know I was thinking about her ... sometimes when things are bad we can feel abandoned even though we are not

So I guess that's why I chose this project ... because I know it helped someone to feel better ...

So what was your best project of 2012? Do you want to share it with us at Papercraft Star ?because we would love to see it ...
Don't forget to take a look at the Papercraft Star blog to see which projects my sweet team mates have chosen too ...

Have a beautiful day

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. It is very beautiful Ros. Your work always is:)

  2. Ros this was just stunning. I have enjoyed seeing many of your creations of 2012, and look forward to seeing what is to come in 2013. Have a wonderful day Ros.


  3. Gorgeous project, Ros, I love the pearls as accents to the beautiful cup! Definitely a favorite! Have a wonderful Wednesday, it seems like it should be Monday again!

  4. LOVE that set! The butterflies are GORGEOUS! So soft and feminine, too!

  5. Such a beautiful set. My grandmother would have loved these. Especially the "Tea of Life"!!!

    Happy Crafting

  6. A real stunner Ros!! So soft and beautiful. Love the butterflies and satin ribbon!

    Deanne :)

  7. Happy New Year to you and your loved ones dear Ros, hope this will be a good year for you! Lovely post, so sweet of your DH to buy you both coats, no doubt he loves to see his good looking lady right beside him! Your tea creation is supersweet, nothing that can´t be cured with a nice cup of tea! Hugs, Ira xox

  8. You are such a lucky girl, two coats - wooow! :) But hey, you're worth it! And I love that card, so delicate and feminine. Whilst I'm here, happy birthday and happy anniversary! :)

  9. I just love the cards you make with those butterflies. They are so cute. Beautiful card my friend.


  10. What a perfect choice! I absolutely adore this set, and I'm so glad you were able to cheer your friend up by sending them to her. They're gorgeous!!

    Happy New Year!

  11. Awww... Love the beautiful doilies, butterflies and all those soft blue! Great job!!!!

  12. Beautiful creations, Ros! I love butterflies on cards, and yours are all stunning xx

  13. I remember this beauty. Those butterflies are so amazing. I can just imagine the smile on her face. :-) Great pick Ros! Hugs!

  14. happy Happy New Year!!!! I love this sweet set and its always an added bonus when It cheers someone up!!!

  15. It is a gorgeous set, and I can imagine you had a hard time picking, as all your creations are lovely!!


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