Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Hello ...

Just popping in to wish you all a wonderful Valentine's Day ... 

A little story for you ... 
Some years ago I was in a sad place ... it was a cold February day ... the 13th to be exact ... I was wandering aimlessly around a shopping centre ... All around were signs of Valentines day ... each shop had decorated windows with hearts and flowers ... bright red shone in the gloom and the cold of that day ... I teared up each time I saw a happy couple walking by ... laughing, holding hands ... There were many young people on the streets ... with their whole life ahead of them ... and here was I feeling lonely and unloved ...
From the midst of the crowd a young teenage girl walked up to me ... she handed me an envelope and a chocolate heart wrapped in red foil ... She smiled a sweet smile and disappeared back into the crowd.
I stood for a moment wondering what had just happened ... I looked at the envelope in my hands with the little heart shaped chocolate and opened the envelope ...
It was a pretty Valentine card ... simple in it's design ... but the words written inside said everything I needed to hear ... It simply said "I love You" ... and it was signed "Jesus"
Now I am not an overly religious person ... I have my beliefs ... I try to be a good person ... But what were the chances of that happening to me that day?  I often wonder if that young girl knew the difference she made that day ... It turned things around for me ... 
It reminded me that even in the darkest of days someone somewhere loves you ...
Look for love in the simplest of things in ... even in the the most unlikely places ... and you will find it ... 
Give out your love and it will return tenfold
Hug your kids... fuss your pets ... smile at someone ... even yourself ... you are loved!

Oh ... and I got these today ...

Happy Valentine's!

~ Ros ~


  1. What a sweet story! Such beautiful flowers. Happy Valentine's Day! :)


  2. Beautiful story, Ros, beautiful flowers! thanks for sharing today and have a Happy Valentines Day!

  3. Beautiful story, Ros. And pretty flowers too! Thanks for sharing :)

  4. What a lovely story, Ros. It gave me goosebumps.

    Your flowers and card are beautiful. Happy Valentine's Day

    Chris xx

  5. Happy Valentine's Ros! What a beautiful story. We are never alone because Jesus does love us and is always there for us even when we feel like no one is. Enjoy those gorgeous flowers and your day!

  6. Oh Ross, what a moving story! Did that really happen to you? amazing!
    Happy Valentine's day!!!

  7. The chances of that happening are oh so tiny... but then maybe that girl knew how to "read" people and chose you deliberately. But wonderful thing to happen! Happy Valentine's Day to you, too!

  8. Awww..... what a heart warming story, Happy Valentine's Day my friend, you deserved a wonderful day and many more ahead!!!!

  9. Your story made a big impression. It's not only about the idea that you are loved but I also realise how fortunate I am with my cozy home,. a loving hsband, wonderful sons, a fab family and good friends. And you ARE a good friend. Ann special. Happy Valentines sweetie. you deserve to be loved. Good to see had a few gifts and beautiful flowers. Enjoy!

  10. Well THAT was a pretty awesome story! THX for sharing! And I LOVE your flowers and card!

  11. What a beautiful and heartfelt post dear Ros and yes, you are right, the young girl was their with a purpose... I firmly believe that there's more than meets the eye, some things have to happen, but usually you don't see clear at that particular moment, only later you realize why that certain something had to happen... Happy belated Valentine's Day to you, too. Glad you got some gorgeous flowers and such a lovely card, too! Hugs, Ira x

  12. Oh my gosh, what a wonderful, uplifting story, you obviously needed that on that day and you were there at the right time. Amazing !!! You've really made me think what I've got and sometimes don't appreciate. Thank you, Ros. Have a good weekend. Deb x

  13. What a lovely post, Ros.....I agree with all you said, and of course we never know what is around the corner. That's what makes life so exciting. Your flowers are gorgeous....obviously you're not 'unloved' now x

  14. That is such a hurt warming story.. So true isn't my friends. The littlest things can change your life. I do hope you had a Happy Valentines Day. Your flowers are so pretty.


  15. Happy Belated Valentine's Day Ros! Your flowers are incredibly beautiful! Hope you have a great weekend!

  16. What a sweet story and I believe that she was there because you needed her :-) I hope you had a Happy Valentine's Day Sweet Ros!

  17. What a wonderful story! I just love how God is able to use those who are willing to be used. And your flowers are extra beautiful!

  18. Hope you won't mind me sharing your lovely story on my blog today - just the link so that people can come and read it for themselves. TFS! How special God is!!

  19. Wow, what a touching story, Ros!! I truly believe God is always there when we need Him!


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