Monday, February 18, 2013

Lazy Monday

Hello there...
Did you have a good weekend?
I am having some time with my Aunt in Lincoln and enjoying it ...
It's wonderful to see her looking so well and even though she is in a lot of pain with her legs ... she is still bustling about everywhere ...

It's been lovely catching up with this kitty again too ...

She's such a sweetie and as I am missing my cats ... it helps having another one to make a fuss of ...
I didn't bring any crafting things with me this time ... but I did bring a note book 

To jot any ideas that come to mind ...

... so far it remains empty Lol!
But I am content to visit your blogs and to take in your lovely creations ... and well, relax ...

I will be back tomorrow with my DT project for City Crafters ... Till then
Have a beautiful day

~ Ros ~


  1. Hi Ros, I hope the sun is shining for you and your aunt. It's been a lovely morning here in West Yorkshire.
    Enjoy your time relaxing! Your sweet kitty friend looks so content xx

  2. Go on get writing. It may be very beautiful, too good to write on the pages, but you could do your very best hand writing.

  3. My notebook would look the same - empty LOL! Have a great week Ros!

    Deanne :)

  4. oh, cute cat! )) i like such big and proud cats)) Notebook is wonderful, especially this blue flower!

  5. Enjoy your time with your Aunt...and it is always good to take a break and relax, though I am sure you are busy with helping her...and what a "purrty" cat....can't wait to se eyou loevely creation tomorrow!!

  6. Have a blessed visit, Ros! Thinking of you!

  7. Enjoy your time in Lincoln, chatting with your aunt, listening to kitty purring... whatever!

  8. Well, maybe nothing new in the book, but I am loving the cover!!

  9. So glad to hear you are having a great time with your aunt. That sure looks like one sweet kitty. :)


  10. Lovely book Ros. I know you will have many ideas. Enjoy the time with your aunt!

  11. I'm so glad your getting to spend some time with your aunt under much better circumstances Ros. You and kitty kick back and relax and I bet that notebook will be filled up in no time. Hugs!

  12. I hope you enjoy your visit Ros :)

  13. I am glad you get to take a break and visit your aunt, I wish you a lovely week with her, I know you both enjoy each other. I have an idea, the next time my step-children come visit, I am going to get Randy to buy me a flight to Liverpool, how's that? (keep dreaming, I really wish to meet you IRL someday)

  14. ohhw what a sweetie! I'm allergic to cats though, unfortunately, otherwise I would get one TODAY :)

    Love your notebook too despite its empty pages, it's beautiful.


  15. Hi Ros, glad to hear you are getting some visiting time in with Auntie! Your notebook is pretty and I bet you will fill it with ideas soon :) Enjoy you time and relax!!

  16. I had a cream Persian cat; the sweetheart has been with us for 12 years and this grey beauty reminds me of him. Good to hear that the two of you are having a great time together. Enjoy! And your book to jot down ideas is priceless.. I hope that we can chat soon; loggin in on Messenger is a matter of bad timing lately. I hope we can meet soon. So much to share...
    Miss you; sending hugs

  17. Ahhhhh.. That kitty looks so comfy and cozy there. I do hope you enjoy your visit. My book would be empty as well...


  18. LOVE this book and that GORGEOUS kitty! Take care of your Aunt!

  19. Oh my gosh, I'm sneezing just looking at your Aunt's fluffy cat lol

    I love your notebook. I hope you've started to write in it.

    Enjoy your stay xx

  20. Hope you enjoy your time with your aunt. Please share with us what you did! Great idea with the journal!

  21. Oh Ros, that notebook is fabulous. Hope you get some inspiration!
    Enjoy your time with your Aunt!

  22. How nice to spend some time with your aunt, hope you're having a great time together and that you were able to write something in that beautiful journal of yours!


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