Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Colour Challenge CCCB

Hello ...
It's my turn to host at City Crafter this week and I am giving you all a colour challenge 

When I saw this beautiful photo on Pinterest I just loved it ... 
I love the shades of peach with the green and greys ... 

This is my interpretation

I used all digital papers here ... Even the sentiment is a digital 

I cut the little umbrella on the Cameo and gave it a 3D look and added some flowers, twine and liquid pearls

The grey paper are from Pink Petticoat and the others including the sentiment are from various sets courtesy of Design House Digital ... 

Our Guest designer this week is Elma from Germany ... her blog is well worth a visit ... just click the link and check out all her beautiful creations ...
And if you want to win a GD spot with us we'd love to have you ... Just link up your entry - If you're looking for more inspiration hop over to the blog and check out Elma and the other designers projects.

On another note ... Thank you for all your comments and your response to our new Library here in Liverpool ... the thing is ... the original building from around 1860 has just had an inner renovation and both an extension to the rear and a dome added to the top ... the outer building is still remains gloriously untouched being a listed building of historic interest ... 
Can you believe that this is the outside

I think the saying ... "Never judge a book by it cover" is so appropriate here Lol!

Have a beautiful day and thanks for visiting

~ Ros ~


  1. What a great colour combination! Great card and I absolutely adore that umbrella, very clever!

    Have to say, Library looks imposing!

  2. Beautiful colours, Ros...my favourites! I love your 3D umbrella and very apt sentiment. Gorgeous card! x

  3. Love the colors you chose, Ros, and the umbrella is wonderful! Thanks for the pictures of the library as well. I love all the old English buildings. My youngest son and wife are in Scotland this week hiking and such! And yes, we too are safe for the moment! Expecting more storms today, hopefully not this far south. Have a beautiful Tuesday!

  4. This color palette is absolutely beautiful! LOVE it to bits! And your creation is ever so pretty! Lovin' the dimension, and you've totally captured the soft essence of those peach blossoms. Yum!

  5. Love this. That sentiment is fan- love how you've coloured it in. Is the umbrella a silhouette shape? You've picked a great colour combo indeed!

  6. The 3D umbrella is the icing on the cake! Gorgeous idea! And I absolutely adore the peachy polkadot-flower!!

  7. What gorgeous colors and fantastic inspiration photo... and your card is every bit as beautiful... and digital to boot... just amazing! Love it, friend!

  8. So very pretty Ros! I love your beautiful 3 D umbrella and the fancy bloom! Thanks for the inspiration!

  9. Beautiful colors Ros.... I love your card... one of my fave of yours... definitely!....hugs..x

  10. Very beautiful card! The colors are so soft and pretty! I especially love the 3D umbrella! And, wonderful photo of the library. Thank you for sharing!

  11. GORGEOUS card! Love the cheery colours:) Just fabulous!!

  12. Wow, is it called The Palace Library? LOL. How amazing is that building! You picked the mot yummy picture for the challenge inspiration Ros. The peach umbrella and the dotted flower are my favorite parts. Hugs!

  13. OMW Ros, this is one gorgeous card allright! Love those pretty colours and how you made your umbrella, always loved that quote! And gosh, I had no idea the library would be this tremendous and impressive, I told you yesterday that I could spend hours there, now I think I could LIVE there, lol! Hugs, Ira xox

  14. Love the gorgeous colors you have chosen for this challenge...such a pretty combination, and your card is gorgeous, and "your" library, wow...would I ever love to visit that, it is beautiful!!

  15. LOVE the dimension to this card, Ros! FABULOUS! Your flower is Gorgeous and your umbrella ~ well I am at a loss for words on how Spectacular it is! LOVE the color inspiration photo as well!

  16. You are right - you would never expect the inside of the library to look as it does. It's amazing when old and new can be combined to form something so intrigueing.
    You card is so gorgeous - the color combination is wonderful. So glad you found that inspirational photo!

  17. This card is so so spectular! I love the sentiment and the colors are perfect!! My card was the right colors, but then I edited it and it went bright!

  18. oh my gosh! ros! i soooooooooo totally LOVE THIS, what a brilliant use of those colors and even the flower theme from the beautiful inspo pic! and that umbrella is a SHOW-STOPPER, of course! (you are single-handedly making me NEED a cameo, you know!!!) :) :) :)

  19. I can see why you fell in love with this inspirational photo. It is so pretty. I love the colors. Your card look so pretty. I just love it.


  20. Fabulous Design, that umbrella is so sweet!

  21. Wow, would love to visit the library one day, sigh!!!
    Your umbrella is TDF cuuuute Ros, so pretty, thanks for the lovely palette this week, really very soothing!

  22. This card is absolutely the most delightful Ros!! I love the colors and that dimensional umbrella and pretty flower are the coolest and the sentiment is wonderful :)

  23. Gorgeous card!
    Beautiful design and the colours are so pretty:)
    Hugs, Heidi:)

  24. Your card is so pretty and I love the umbrella, just love it. Libraries are windows to the world and your libary is looking good :)

  25. Gorgeous card, wowsie! Love that bright umbrella and the text is so true. And that's just an amazingly beautiful building! Hugs and happy day, Wendy


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