Friday, June 07, 2013

Happy Mail and Photo Heavy

Hello there ...
I'm getting organised for my trip tomorrow but I just had to pop in and say a HUGE thank you to 2 sweet blog friends who sent me happy mail ...

My friend Sylvia sent me a beautiful handmade card and some sweet angel scraps ... (that's what we call them over here) 

I'm old enough to remember 'scrap books' when you filled an ordinary book with things like the above and did swaps with your friends ... (Do any of you know what I'm talking about?)
Isn't that card just beautiful!! Sylvia is one talented lady!

As you may know some of her family live in Oklahoma and you can imagine, she has been very concerned ... so to know with all that going on in her life ... she thought of me ... well I am humbled ... Thank you my friend

Now the talented Linda B. (Hands to Work Hearts to Love makes the most exquisite albums and cards and we decided to help each other out ... I couldn't get the bags needed for the albums and Linda couldn't get the transparencies ... hence we did a swap ... 
Well, her package to me just arrived and rendered me speechless ... Not only did she send me the bags ... but a gorgeous card ... AND ... one of her amazingly beautiful albums!! 

I know this album has been posted on her blog  (do hop over and check out her work) ... but given just how much detail and just how stunning it is ... I am going to show it again 

... And the card 

Even my husband was rendered speechless!
Thank you so much Linda ... 

I am truly blessed to have such wonderful, thoughtful friends ...
And thank you all for letting me share this with you ...

~ Ros ~


  1. I can't wait to see what you make with the angel scraps... they're beautiful.
    I'm so happy you like the album. Thanks again for the transparencies... another mini in the making! I loved the swap!
    Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend!

  2. Good heavens that is such wonderful mail Ros, but so deserved for you are such a sweet and lovely lady. Love Sylvia's feminine card, it looks wonderful and Linda's album is amazing, yes, she's a perfect album maker allright! Enjoy! Hugs, Ira xox

  3. Oh boy did you score some gorgeous goodies. It was very sweet of both of those ladies to swap with you. :-)

  4. You've received some lovely things! Beautiful work there that you shared!

  5. What a wonderful treat, so many pretties for you Ros! Im so glad you received these goodies, your sweetness deserved them :)

  6. Wow, I can see why it is "happy mail"...such wonderful fun, and what a great way to "perk" up a day!! Have a wonderful weekend!!

  7. Awww that was soooo nice and her work is stunning!!! Enjoy those angel scraps!!

  8. Special gifts for a special lady! Beautiful gifts you've received!

  9. Such beautiful gifts Ros! TFS :)

  10. Wow, happy mail, indeed! Gorgeous cards, angel scraps, and album...amazing!!! Thank you for sharing photos of the gorgeous mail you received...enjoy!!!

  11. Linda sure does do gorgeous work.. And so does Sylvia.. Enjoy your happy mail my sweet friend.


  12. So GORGEOUS, Ros! You're a lucky girl to have such FAB blog friends!

  13. So glad you received your mail, Ros, and the album is beautiful! Have had a wonderful weekend and best of all some rain, rain barrels are full again! Have a fabulous Monday!

  14. Wow, the cards are great - and the album is to die for! And yes, I know what you mean about the "old" scrap books. We used to have what was called a poetry book and you would give it to all your friends and they would write a little poem in it and decorate it with these "angel scraps" and such, sometimes they came with glitter. I have to go look for mine...

  15. Beautiful gifts, Ros! What fun you'll have with those "scraps" and the embellished album is just gorgeous!

    Hugs ...

  16. YAy for the happy mails!!! Awesome... hugs...x

  17. It is great to receive such beautiful mails! )) Amazing project!

  18. You have some great friends! The cards are beautiful! But the album is a sure heirloom!


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