Thursday, June 06, 2013

Thank You and Pushing it a Little

Hello ...
We're having some lovely weather here ... I'm not one for sitting in the sun much and my little craft space is cool with a view of the garden so I'm really enjoying it ...
I'm off to Lincoln again at the weekend ... going to have some time with my lovely Aunt ... But right now I'm up to my neck in making the project for my sweet group tonight. I've decided that we will be making flower pot cards ... you guys are the best for inspiration ... 

I have been so fortunate this week ... an honourable mention at both CASology and Shopping our Stash ... I'm over the moon!

So I took a break from cutting flowers, leaves and plant pots to make a card for the new challenge at CASology .... Now that's where I'm pushing it a little ... the theme is "Wheels" Do Pinwheels count?

Shopping Our Stash are challenging us to create without using any DP ... So my Pinwheel is all fabric - even the sentiment is on a piece of ribbon and I did do some dry embossing but I'm not sure it shows up too well ...

Lessology are asking for "Beads" ... There are little pearl beads on my flower and I did use a left over scrap of fabric ...

Ok, play time is over -  I have 25 bows to make now ... 

Have a beautiful day and keep safe

~ Ros ~


  1. Pretty~pretty!!! Love the fabric....the addition of the beads..has to be the prettiest pinwheel I have ever seen!!

  2. How wonderful! I like the sweet colors! ))

  3. Love this pinwheel Ros! I agree with Diane, probably the prettiest pinwheel I have ever seen! You have inspired me to try some in fabric too. Enjoy the weather and your weekend.

  4. Lovely lilac shades on the pinwheel - it looks so pretty! Nice touch with the ribbon sentiment and accent beads. Lovely work as always. Have fun in Lincoln!

  5. OMG!! pinwheels totally count!!! absolutely love your card!! thanks so much for playing along with CASology!

  6. Ever so pretty, Ros! LOVE that gorgeous, fabric pinwheel, and your embossed background is amazing!

  7. What a pretty card. I love that pinwheel. So glad to hear your having nice weather.... Enjoy...


  8. WOW so pretty!!! I LOVE the pinwheel and the colors are my fav, but I don't make cards with it so idea's gorgeous!!

  9. Such a beautiful card Ros! Love the sweet lavender pinwheel! Pure eye candy!

  10. This is just so beautiful! Love the texture of the fabric and the pearls! Thanks for joining us at CASology this week!

  11. Ros this is so sweet. I do hope pinwheels because they are so super fun! Beautiful card Ros.


  12. In my book, pinwheels count and count big time when they are this incredibly gorgeous! This is really stunning, Ros, especially in those wonderful lavender hues. Wouldn't they be the best favors at a wedding? Have a great weekend! xxoo Darnell

  13. Wow! I came here from Darnell's blog, and what a treat! So much creativity and talent you have! The pinwheel fits the challenge theme, in my view - and your's is STUNNING! I'll definitely be back to explore more of your treasures, both new and old!

  14. so pretty Ros... and I heart the pinwheel... so clever of you incorporate those beads... Stunning ... and thank you for playing along with US over at LESSology.... hugs...x

  15. Ooooh...the prettiest use of leftover fabric I must say. I love your pinwheel bloom with the beaded center! :)

    Thanks for joining us at LESSology!

  16. Love both the fabric and the beads you used in your pinwheel, Ros, love the color as well! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  17. do pinwheels count?! well ♥♥♥YEAH♥♥♥ i'd say they count EXTRA, even, b/c they are a creative interpretation of the brief! i'd say more shout-outs bound to be coming for this lovely card, and WELL DESERVED, too! this is beeeeeeeeeeeautiful and an absolutely FAB take on all the challenges involved! well done, you! ♥

  18. Congratulations on getting two honorable mentions... so thrilling for you I'm sure!
    You may say pushing it... I say down right CLEVER!!! Beautiful fabric... such a lovely effect... love the ribbon sentiment (how do you think of these things?).

  19. What a brilliant idea to use fabric for your pinwheel flower Ros, such a stunning result! Enjoy your weekend with your Aunt, hope she's doing fine. And congrats to your honourable mentions, so happy for you. Hugs, Ira xox

  20. Sweet! Yes, pinwheels definitely count!:) Love this colorful interpretation of the cue this glad you played along at CASology!

  21. Sweet colors, lovely pinwheel, what a beautiful card! and Congratulations too!

  22. My favorite color, gorgeous Ros :)

  23. I have never seen a fabric pinwheel but it looks just fantastic on your card. Very clever girlie. :-)

  24. A fabric pinwheel? FABULOUS take on the theme and a super card


  25. A fabric pinwheel is such a fun take on this week's cue card! Love it! So glad you joined in on the fun at CASology this week!

  26. Oh, my!!! Off the charts and over the top gorgeous with this fabric pinwheel! Love the color and pinked edges with this gem! So creative and it!!!

  27. I just LOVE the fabric you used and I think pinwheels are better than wheels! FAB card!

  28. Ros! I LOVE IT! Pinwheels have got to be the most clever interpretation of 'wheels'! (and since I just had a shout-out at CASology too, I have to say SQUEE! I am still on cloud 9!) What a cool idea to use patterned fabric - I really love it! Thank you SO MUCH for coming to play with us at Shopping our Stash this week :)

  29. The pinwheel must count! What a great idea to make it from fabric... And congratulations on your successes - well deserved!

  30. This pinwheel card is beautiful! I'm sure your group enjoyed creating this!

  31. SERIOUSLY cool! Love the purple!

    Thanks for hanging out with us over at LESSology and GOOD CALL on using up that fabric! It worked out so nicely for you!

    Hugs from NY!



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