Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Fresh Strawberries

One of the delights of summer is the fresh fruit available like strawberries and my favourite ... raspberries ... Alas the latter are always quite expensive ...
This week at City Crafter the challenge theme is 
"Strawberry Farm"
picked for us by our lovely Kirsty 


Kirsty is asking that we make a card or project that includes a strawberry

My project this week was really quick ... 

... A little basket of fresh strawberries ... A little treat to show my appreciation to my husband who has worked hard planting up the pots for the garden

The little basket was cut on my Cameo and I added a border edge and made a tiny banner from some gingham paper and twine

The tag was made using an image from the Graphics Fairy 
 This is the basket prior to adding the 
fruit - I just tucked in a little doily

A simple sweet little gift ...

This week at City Crafter we are fortunate to have the talented Linda Breedlove guesting for us ... Linda will be with us for another 2 weeks ... and I just know you will love her creations ... hop over to her blog and take a look ... She is seriously talented!
Our winner this week will also have a GD spot with us so come along and join us!

Thanks so much for stopping by ... Have a lovely day and stay safe

~ Ros ~


  1. Your strawberry basket is so very cute, bet your husband put a big smile on his face when he sees this presented to him!

  2. Such a totally sweet strawberry basket, Ros! I love your pretty gingham ribbon bow. And what a lovely treat for hubby, too x

  3. Oh LOVE this!! That basket design looks wonderful and the basket is as gorgeous unfilled as it is filled with these yummy looking strawberries. Love that pretty little gingham banner too. Great little project!!

  4. Love your basket, Ros, so nice doing it with the Cameo! Glad you will be enjoying strawberries this summer. Have a wonderful rest of your Tuesday!

  5. You call this simple and sweet? Oh Ros, don't underestimate yourself, your basket looks like it comes straight from the store, it's perfectly made with the nice red gingham ribbon and banner! What a sweet gift for your DH! Ira x

  6. Oh Ros, that is such a sweet gift for your husband... Beautiful basket! Hugs

  7. Oh, yummy! Very cute basket and your husband must have felt very much appreciated!

  8. Wow, Ros... I didn't know you could make a basket using a cameo... I love this! The banner is adorable on it, and the border piece adds just a bit of texture... perfect! This could be used for all sorts of gifts... hummm... candy would be great in there. LOVE this project, my friend.
    I think we have our server problem fixed, but we've had really bad storms for several days and keep losing power. Hopefully I can get caught up with everyone tonight!
    Have a happy Tuesday!


  9. This is just the cutest thing!!! LOVE that gingham...and I didn't know (or did I) that you had a Cameo...you lucky girl, you!!

  10. I just love your basket full of strawberries, Ros! Such a 'sweet' idea! :)

  11. OH my gos Ros is the absolutely the most fun!! The cutest basket and I love the little red checked banner and bow to go with the yummy strawberries. I bet your husband is going to be so touched by your sweet gift ;)

  12. WOW ros this is adorable! I made a basket about a month ago and havent gotten around to taking a pic of it lol! And then Im pondering what to put in it...Oh the decisions !!

  13. Absolutely adorable! Totally digging all the gingham on this beauty! Yum!

  14. Spectacular!!!! That little basket is the cutest thing and the gingham couldn't be more perfect. You nailed this project!!! Hugs!

  15. A gorgeous little basket Ros. The bunting and flower on the front are adorable. The strawberries look pretty yummy too!

  16. OMGosh, Ros! This basket is LOVELY! That tag is a treat unto itself and I LOVE the gingham and doily!

  17. i love♥LOVE♥love every single thing about this!!! of course the basket itself is awesome, but as usual your brilliance is in the details: the doily! the bow! that little gingham bunting! even the second layer of decorative kraft at the bottom of the basket is perfection! plus... STRAWBERRIES, yum! (be sure to eat plenty of cream teas for me in cornwall, k? speaking of swooning...) :) :) :)

  18. Really, really adorable, Ros!

  19. This is so adorable. I just love it.



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