Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Packing my Bags

Hi there!
I hope you are having a good week so far ... Today starts a new photo inspiration challenge at Papercraft Star and here's the fabulous photo Jan has picked

I have a case exactly like that one on the top ... It belonged to my Grandmother so I dread to think how old it is - One day I am planning to get it out and paint it
 It's filled with memorabilia  I received both the day my son was born and on his first birthday ... I know ... He's 30 for goodness sake ...  I just can't help it ... the things I keep ... it's just that they are so special to me ...
So I pondered for about an hour with this photo ... I've seen some lovely suitcase cards on Pinterest but I wanted to go a little different and decided to make a passport cover

See ... I even got the suitcases on there
It has a plastic cover ... not that I had one so I improvised ...

I printed the Sage coloured (Pink Petticoat) digital paper onto white card stock to start  ... measured and cut the size needed to fold around my passport and added some stamping ... then using the paper above (DCWV World Traveller Collection) I cut and stitched various sayings and images onto the card.

This is the front

and this is the back ...

This gets tucked into a clear plastic cover that I made using the 2 clear CD covers you see in the above photo and then the passport gets tucked in too ... I hope I am explaining this properly

Here's the finished item - you can click to enlarge and you will see the clear cover

Phew! ... all that said ... I really hope you will come and play along with us this week at Papercraft Star ... We would LOVE to see your interpretation
As it happens I will be packing my bags today ... I'm off to cornwall tomorrow to visit with some of my husbands family ...
Don't forget to hop over to the blog to check out the projects from the rest of our design team ...
Have a beautiful day

~ Ros ~


  1. Love your suitcase it was ton of character!! And your card is wonderful!!

  2. What a unique, creative and clever idea!!! Love your passport cover!! Don't feel too bad, I still have my oldest sons planter I received in the hospital when he was born ...with plant he's 40!! It's in a baby block planter and looks out of place in my home décor, but I don't care, I love it!! (I think I just aged myself...well, he and I are are 20 years apart..nuff

  3. You are soooo creative, Ros. Such a great idea and beautifully created, as always.

    Nothing wrong with keeping your precious memories, Ros. Our son is the same age as yours, and I have saved every card he has ever sent me, along with many other things. I love that you keep yours in your grandmother's suitcase. That's so sweet xx

  4. Such a great idea!! My passport is in an old makeup pouch - I could certainly use a makeover!

    Deanne :)

  5. So, stinkin' cool! LOVE that you've finished the back, too, and your stitching is delish!

  6. What a wonderful project Ros! I love that you made a passport cover! Hope you have a fun and safe trip!


  7. A passport cover is just GENIUS! LOVE all of the details on how you made it and LOVE the stamps and different sentiments you added! FAB, Ros!

  8. Oh just think of all the stories your little suitcase might be able to tell you Ros... I wouldn´t be able to part with such a precious heirloom either, particularly if it belonged to my grandmother, no wonder you´re hanging on to it! Gosh, I wish you could design our passports Ros, then travelling would be even MORE fun! Love love your design, really supercool! Hugs, Ira x

  9. Great take on the inspiration photo! Love the vintage travel theme. :)

  10. Very pretty card Ross! Love the postage stamps and your fancy stitching!

  11. That's a fun idea for the challenge Ros. I can just imagine how special that old suitcase is to you. I see things like that and think "Oh the history!" It's a treasure. Hugs!

  12. What a brilliant idea, and I love that old suitcase too, I have been looking for one for the longest time, but just couldn't find one that is nice here in Las Vegas, maybe we are a relatively new city that's why!

  13. holy ♥WOW♥ that is BRILLIANT! i saw this on papercraft star yesterday, and swooned! i'm glad i came to see it "in person" tho (ok, sorta, lol!) b/c despite the fact that it was sitting ON your passport... i thought it was a card! i love it EVEN MORE now, what a clever girl you are!!! ♥

    ps: have a safe, fun, awesome, not-too-horribly-hot trip!!! :)

  14. Love it! Such a brilliant idea - especially for this suitcase challenge. Enjoy your time in Cornwall!

  15. What a fab card and I love how you photographed it!

  16. This looks amazing; the vintage look and feel is lovely to look at. I hope you will have a fab time together with family in Cornwall. Have a safe trip. Hope to speak soon.
    Sending love,

  17. This looks fabulous my friend. Always enjoy seeing your creations. Hope you have a safe trip...


  18. Great work Ros!
    Beautiful details:)
    Hugs, Heidi:)


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