Friday, August 02, 2013

2 Cards ... The same ... But Different

Hi there ...

I got to meet up with my GF's for lunch today ... It's been awhile and it was so good to catch up 
It's still warm here with a little welcome rain thrown in ... We've had a lovely summer this year

August brings more birthdays and anniversaries when cards need to be made - a couple of which are for men ... So these two cards are in essence the same ... but different
Both use wine labels from my blog friend Jacqueline ... her work is so inspiring and I bought these labels but never got around to using them until now - This first card is for a friend

I've used Pink Petticoat Ombre digital papers for both cards ... This one Soft Sage and I used distress stains on the label

I stamped and gold embossed black cardstock before cutting the 'birthday' die from PTI
and as an embellishment I cut slices from a wine cork ... embossed that too

This next card is for one of my brothers ... I used the Irish linen from the Ombre collection on this card

... again virtually the same process as the first card

I love the effect from the cork ... I think if I had used red embossing powder it would resemble a seal ... maybe I'll try that next time

It just occurred to me that I have included something to do with wine on my brother's last 3 cards ... oops! I hope he doesn't take it the wrong way - 
He retires from the Royal Navy shortly - I think he's done over 40years and I know he's looking forward to a new life

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend ... Thanks so much for your visit

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Both of your cards are really lovely Ros, love how you used your wine labels, very creative!

    Ira’s Crea Corner

  2. The cards are lovely, love the labels and the piece of cork, Ros! I am sure he won't take the his card the wrong way. Have a fabulous Friday!

  3. They are both beautiful!
    Enjoy the weekend Ros:)
    Hugs, Heidi:)

  4. Beautiful cards Ros! I sure could go for a glass of Merlot with lunch right about now :) Have a great weekend!

  5. Wonderful masculine cards Ros! I love the labels and designs!

  6. LOVE the wine labels, Ros, and the embossed cork is just Brilliant!

  7. Those wine labels are really cool and I am in awe of the cork idea. That adds so much character to your cards. Love 'em Ros! Hugs!

  8. Cool, guy cards, and such a neat technique with the cork!

  9. Oh wow, love these cards, they look so vintage and totally French! Really original too, love this idea for men's cards, fantastic!!

  10. You always make such beautiful cards, Ros!
    Sue xxx

  11. Love your awesome creation!

    ~ Greetings from Vienna.

  12. Your wine inspired cards are really lovely, Ros. Love the labels and cork details x

  13. How lovely that you got to finally use those wine labels, I'm so pleased that you made some fantastic masculine cards with them!!

  14. Gorgeous cards Ros, LOVE how you incorporated the cork and embossing.

  15. These are beautiful! I love all the creations you make using the images you are so handy at printing online.

  16. Ros these are so beautiful! I love the labels and the bit of cork is just brilliant!


  17. Both cards are gorgeous, they are good for male or female. What a clever idea too, with the cork, I'm going to have a go at that. Thank you for the inspiration. Deb x

  18. A clever idea to use the wine corks on these 2 fabulous cards!! don't feel bad, I used the same stamp on my hubby's birthday cards at least 3 times, (he pays no attention at all, so I do it on purpose) :>0

  19. Gorgeous birthday creations. Love the masculine designs.
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  20. So very creative and lovely these cards are with wine labels and cork! Gorgeous embossing, too! Well done, Ros! Thanks so much for the inspiration!


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