Sunday, August 04, 2013


Good morning!
I almost forgot what day it was ... This week has been so full of ups and downs ... 

But as it is Sunday ... it's a new prompt at

Where we share our photos from around the world and ask that you share yours 
This week's prompt is simply August 

It's been a little hectic here for me to be taking many photos ... But I did capture this little guy

He's a regular in my garden and as you can see ... always stealing the nuts from the bird feeder
It's too early for the nuts on the trees just yet so I guess he's getting his fill here first.

As you can see ... I did a little trickery with this shot ... 
I opened it in Printshop and overlaid it with a calendar transparency ... Just one I found on the internet

My husband is not so fond of this little guy ... Because he keeps digging up the flower pots and burying the nuts ... the crazy thing is ... the magpies keep watch and once the squirrel has left ... down comes Mr Magpie - digs up the nuts and flies off with them!

The beginning of August always brings new flowers too ... just as some are fading ... another part of the garden starts to bloom ... 

These  pretties spread each year and take over if you let them ... I'm not sure what they are called but the bees just love them ...

What is August like in your part of the world? I would love see ... please link up at Our Beautiful World and have a look on the blog at what my friends around the globe are sharing ...

Thanks for looking in
Enjoy your Sunday and keep safe

~ Ros ~


  1. The flowers are BEAUTIFUL!!!!
    They could be some variety of Helenium / Rudbeckia!
    I love squirrels too, funny story you tellabout this one and his disappearing nuts.
    Hope you have a good week, Ros. :)

  2. Happy August, Ros! Great photos!

  3. Oh my goodness is this soooo cute. What a great shot you got of that little guy, love this! They can be pretty sneaky when they want to be. How fun this would be to have in my yard. I love all the different flowers that grow thru summer too, these are pretty.
    Sorry to hear about your hectic week, hope this one is better.
    Thanks for sharing with us.

  4. Gorgeous photos, specially love the squirrel one

  5. Hi Ros,
    I am having to come looking for you! Your posts are not showing up for me. I have also been away for a week, so I need to catch up.
    Love your pretty garden photos today xx

  6. Too funny, guess a lot happens around in your garden while you contently watch Ros, loved seeing the both of them!

  7. This is such a cute shot, I showed it to Dolce and she just love it, she said she watched it on cartoon but never see a real one. Love the bloom in your garden too, I wonder how is mine at home!

    ~ greetings from Prague.

  8. How cute! We have loads of fat squirrels here. I have a baffle on the pole my feeders are on so they don't eat all the food. They are more than welcome to eat all the seeds the birds drop on the ground though. :)

  9. Oh that little guy is hilarious! It's amazing what lengths they will go to to rob the birdies. LOL. Gorgeous flowers too Ros. Hugs!

  10. A squirrel in your garden... JOY! (Sorry hubby of yours, but I just love these little guys.) What a great shot Ros! Brings back fond memories too. When I was a little kid, my grandparents used to take me to forest walks. We brought nuts with us and sat down quietly (which was sooo difficult for little me) and waited for the squirrels and birds to come eat them out of our hands. I'll never forget these precious moments.
    Hugs xx

  11. What a great shot, he is a cheeky little chap, beautiful photo of the flowers. Deb x

  12. A perfect August photo, that little guys can be pesky, that's for sure, but so fun to watch!! I hope you were able to capture some photos of the "thieving" magpies, (we call them crows here). Pretty flowers, too!! Have a nice week, I will be on vacation!!

  13. Cheeky little devil! But he is sooooooo sweet and cute at the same time! We occasionally have squirrels in our garden, too, and Mr. Hedgie shows up sometimes as well. Just love having them around. You've made a lovely calendar page Ros! Hugs, Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  14. Such beautiful photos, Ros! Really love that one of the little squirrel thieving the nuts. They're such critters but ever so cute, too!

  15. I love that squirrel having a good snack, up side down!!. He needs to outsmart Mr. Magpie very soon, though :). Beautiful flowers, they do look like hybrid of daisy and sunflower. So cheerful. My week is starting to become a bit hectic, with the festivity coming on in a couple of days. Hope you have a warm week!. Glad you like listening to our National Anthem :). Hugs.

  16. Oh how much fun is your squirrel, Ros! I get frustrated with mine as well. Someone was stealing all the green tomatoes, don't know who! Love your pretty yellow flowers!


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