Friday, October 04, 2013

My Sweet Little Cub

Hi there ...

If you follow my blog you will know just how much I adore my great nephew Ross ... born with moebius syndrome, he's faced a lot of challenges in his young life ... including losing his daddy to a brain tumour the morning after his 3rd birthday ...
He's a fighter this little boy ... bright as a button and he has my heart....

A while ago he joined the Cub Scouts  and last week he went on an adventure trip to the beautiful heart of Snowdonia Wales with his group.
 His Granddad, my brother, drove over at the crack of dawn to be with him and ensure all went well ...
Fortunately we were able to get some photos and I made a little boxed album to send to his Mum ...

I used a whole host of papers, stamps and embellishments for this ... I'm used to doing girlie albums so a boy one was quite a challenge

That's my little guy ... far right

A long hike with Grandad by his side ...

Then a lunch break ...

Time to relax before the inauguration...

... then the scary stuff begins!

Can you see just how high up my little guy is?

It's just another challenge ...

I'm sure his Daddy was looking down from heaven and smiling with pride...

I prefer to keep my feet on the ground ... and I had just as much fun making this album as I'm sure Ross and his Granddad had on their adventure

I hope you are having a lovely day ... enjoy your weekend 

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Oh Ros, what a wonderful album and remembrance for Ross and his mom. What a sweetheart you are, dear lady!
    Have a great weekend!

  2. It doesn't look as if you had any trouble at all with a boy book ! What a fun remembrance, and so very well done, Ros ! Hugs -J-

  3. Beautiful album for a special little boy, have a great weekend Ros!

  4. What a fabulous album for your nephew, Ros! I love all the pages you did, he will love it always! Have a wonderful Saturday! Has your black and white cat come back? Hugs!

  5. This is just the sweetest treasure! LOVE all of the wonderful photos and memories that will be treasured forever. You did SUPER with a guy book, Ros!

  6. Beautiful album for a special boy!
    Great work Ros:)
    Enjoy the weekend, hugs:)

  7. Heartwarming and a treasured keepsake for sure Ros. you are a very talented and very special woman. Thanks for sharing this. Sending hugs to you especially today on World Card Making Day!

  8. What a precious gift! Such a treasure, and ever so well put together, girl! LOVE it!

  9. Ros, this album and your love for your grand nephew just touch my heart~ His Mum is going to adore this fabulous and very thoughtful memento!!! Such a wonderful project that will bring happy memories back to the both, many times over. ((hugs)) Rebecca

  10. Fabulous, fabulous album, such great photos! I bet both Ross and his mum will just treasure it. He looks a wonderful little fellow!

  11. What a treasure!
    I will catch up with you properly soon.
    Have fun.
    Sue xxx

  12. Now that's a fabulous album for their adventure. Congrats to Ross on his accomplishments! Hugs!

  13. Wow Ros! What a fabulous mini packed with such great details and photos! :) TFS

  14. Oh how very very sweet of you to make such a precious and stunning looking album for Ross! He must have had such a great time with his granddad, these are such precious moments... Hugs to you my sweet friend, Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  15. This boy themed album turned out great! Such a special gift for his mom. :)

  16. You got familiar with the boy theme quickly, I would say! What a wonderful treasure - his mother will love it! And it's so good to see they had such a fun time.

  17. What a great mini Ros! Looks like it was a good time for all. Love all the embellishments you have used through out the mini.


  18. WOW Ros... I love your mini!!! Gorgeous.... Everything matched beautifully... hugs...x

  19. Oh my stars, Your album looks amazing. You did an amazing Job on this my friend.


  20. What a lovely book and so special for him.

  21. This is awesome!!!!!!!!!!! Love every little detail Ros!!

  22. What a wonderful memory make the best albums!!! So fun to see each page and all the lovely details...your nephew is a handsome little guy :>) !!!


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