Sunday, October 06, 2013


Hello and Happy Sunday to you ...

The prompt this week at Our Beautiful World is simply October

October has come on tippy toes here in my part of the UK ... probably because we had a late summer ... we are having a late Autumn too ... but the splendour is certainly beginning and it all starts with one leaf ... 

... which in a matter of days became a blaze of red and golds

... and when the sunlight hits - it's glorious!

Once the leaves of this ivy fall ... there will be no trace that it was ever there ... until next Spring

Strangely enough the Lobelia is still in full flower

... and this next shot I took on my phone ... it's a local park and you can see just how lush it still is but with a hint of fallen leaves and some trees turning colour in the background

But my final photos are of a little bug I found outside ... and if he isn't dressed for Autumn - well I don't know what is!

I've no idea what he is ... but he is well camouflaged!

... Kinda looks like he should be on the X Factor

I'm really enjoying seeing all the photos you lovely bloggers are sharing with us at
Can't wait to see your October shots this week 

Have a beautiful Sunday

~ Ros ~


  1. Your photos are beautiful Ros, you have really captured the fine feel of Autumn! Enjoy your Sunday, hugs, Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  2. Loving your pictures of fall and that little cute bug is adorable.

  3. Beautiful photos, Ros. It is finally cooling down here as well. I saw several trees yesterday, their leaves were stunning. :)

  4. Glorious colors!. Amazing how fast the color changes, do you get much snow in autumn, Ros?. Or only frost and rain?. That handsome bug is sure is dressed nicely :). Cool photos!!. Hugs.

  5. Such beautiful fall pictures, Ros... And that little bug really is quite something! I wonder whether they change colors throughout the year.

  6. So beautiful and gorgeous, those fall colors. The park looks peaceful and quiet, do you go there a lot? Thanks for sharing Ros, have a fun-filled sunday!

  7. Love those beautiful pics Ros! Such lovely colors and Mr X Factor was the best :)

  8. Beautiful photos Ros! I could see you scrapping some of these! ;)

  9. oh my~! your October shots are wonderful~! right down to that last little (dressed for fall) bug~!!


  10. WOW beautiful shots...Ros... hugs...x

  11. You photos look wonderful. Lots of beautiful color this time of year.

    Happy October to you!


  12. Fabulous fall photo's, Ros, I love the bug, last photo and your flowers are still so pretty! Happy Fall to you. Our temperatures are coming down! Yeah for cooler weather! Have a wonderful Monday!

  13. Beautiful fall photos, my friend... gorgeous leaves and that bug is truly amazing!

  14. He is a shield bug!
    There are lots of different ones. He looks just like a weapon of self defence in a battle. Doesn't he?

    There are lots of them here, at various times of the year.
    I once found one in a bag of ready to eat salad. Surprise, surprise!
    Sue xxxxx

  15. Gorgeous pics Ros!!!

  16. Lovely photos...I love seeing the other parts of the world I know I will otherwise never get to see! The bug showed up at just the right time for this week...perfect!!!

  17. Beautiful photographs, Ros! LOVE that sweet, little bug the most!

  18. Looove this Ros, the foliage, the park but specially that bug!!!

  19. Wow! Those photos are AMAZING! Nothing changes color where I live (unless it's dead of course!) And that park is so LUSH! I would walk there every day! THX for sharing!

  20. Hello! I love seeing fall where you live, gorgeous! All those red leaves make me happy and that park is so pretty. What a well dressed bug that is, maybe he comes in the fall.
    Thanks for sharing your October with us!

  21. Oh my those leaves are lovely. So much rich color. Thank you so much for sharing your pics with us Ros. Between you and Linda I get to see such wonderful things through your eyes and lens. :-)

  22. Thanks so much for sharing this amazing post with us!!!!

    Really nice to see...


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