Sunday, March 30, 2014


Hello ...
It's Mothering Sunday here in the UK

Happy Mother's Day!! 

It's a beautiful day and in my garden ... 
Everything is coming into bloom

Bloom is the prompt word this week at 

Picked for us by Bonita ... 

She couldn't have picked a better word - I love photographing flowers and trees - they make such wonderful subjects

I love how they gently unfurl their petals and leaves as they come into Bloom

I love to see the trees come to life ... overnight they transform

 so that in the blink of an eye there is blossom everywhere

Who could not smile at their colourful beauty?

An orchestra of delicate bells

... and trumpets

That the birds sing along to as they build their nests 

The most wonderful time is when Bloom happens
Is it happening in your part of the world?

Link up with us at

And have a beautiful day

~ Ros ~

EDIT ........ Picmonkey

I see that some of you have a problem using Picmonkey lately ... You may be getting a message that says your browser is Vintage 

To Correct This

All you need to do is open another browser ... My Mac is set to open in Safari but by downloading  Firefox I can open this as my browser instead of Safari and Picmonkey will work perfectly

I hope this helps you.


  1. Stunning photos Ross, giving a real feeling for the coming of Spring!

    Happy mothers day!

  2. Beautiful bloom shots Ros! A real feast giving me a happy smile. It is so beautiful to see nature come to life in spring. Happy mother's day to you too!! Enjoy the day. Big hugs xx

  3. Oh how BEAUTIFUL these photos are!

  4. Happy Mother's Day to you dear Ros! You couldn't have picked a finer day to post your gorgeous flower photos, truly lovely! Hugs, Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  5. Happy Mother's Day to you!!!!
    Beautiful blooms and thanks so much for the tips, I love picmonkey, it is good for quick photo editing!

  6. Such wonderful pictures... Happy spring!

  7. Gorgeous makes me want to get outside and get busy...but still cold here and ugly out, so it was a great PLEASURE to see your beautiful photos, makes me think there is hope for me yet...LOL!!!

  8. GORGEOUS... and how nice that your garden is in bloom. We had snow again this morning, but it's sunny now and has melted off our roads and yard.
    Have a wonderful day, my friend!

  9. Lovely thought: "... in the blink of an eye there is blossom everywhere"... so good to hear about this... All the best and Have a great week, too!

  10. Yes, this looks absolutly like spring, busy birds and beautiful blooms. Great shots from your garden.

  11. Hi Ros, I agree - the best subject...just love flowers, your shots are beautiful and whole range of gorgeous

  12. No it's not really happening in our part of the world as we are in Autumn..which is probably like your summer lol..but there is still a lot of beauty around. You have taken some lovely shots of BLOOMS Ros..thanks for sharing..

  13. I just love this time of year, when everything is in bloom.. You've captured spring perfectly! Lots of pretty photos here my friend!


  14. Beautiful photos! It hasn't quite reached this point here in Iowa yet. :)

  15. What a beautiful post to find on my visit. Your flower photos are so lovely Ros. Thanks for sharing them. Hugs!

  16. Such stunning photographs, Ros! It's coming slowly, but surely, to my neck of the woods.

  17. Such lovely colors and clear pics! I take lots of flower shots, too, they are just too pretty to leave alone!

  18. Lots of gorgeous photo's Ros! I love that spring has arrived for you too!


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