Thursday, March 27, 2014

Box Cards and Cats

Hi there ...
How's your week been?
It's been another busy one here ... Monday my brother was here replacing a radiator and at the same time my Ginger cat had a really bad fight with another cat in the garden ... I don't know about the other cat but Ginger was bleeding. He was agitated all day which didn't bode well when Gipsy came in ... somehow they settled down amicably which was a relief. Then at 4am this morning I let Ginger cat out and heard another fight break out ... There I was in the garden in my PJ's making sure Ginger cat was ok and of course Gipsy followed me and had to butt in ... snarling and hissing ...
Oh give me a dog anytime!

Through the week with the help of my friend Pat, we finally completed 20+ box card projects for my special needs group to make tonight

Here's a peek at some of the ones they will be making

There are enough embellishments for them to make Birthday ones, Mother's Day ones or just one to say Hello

Until we met about 6 months ago, my friend Pat had never done any paper crafting nor had she worked with special needs and now she just loves both ... and I'm loving sharing the things I've learnt with her

We giggled a lot putting these together ... Once I'd cut everything out, between us we fill individual envelopes for each of the group so that everything they need is in their envelope ... any fiddly bits we do first and mark where the papers have to be stuck down ... 
We make a few 'samples' for them to copy and that's it...
All I need to do now is go and get some new glues ... 

It's going to be a fun night and I'm looking forward to it

I hope you all have a great day 

Till soon be safe

~ Ros ~


  1. How wonderfull! )) Ros, it is great! ))
    Poor cat! Hope he is Ok now!))

  2. Oh tell me about having a dog verses a cat, anytime (well, that is just me and my little secret, I have Ailurophobia).
    What wonderful project that is, that sure is a lot of work to make a explosive box card!

  3. Those boxes look wonderful. And it sounds like you had fun with your friend putting them together. Hope your kittys are OK..


  4. Oh what fun projects Ros! Such sweet little flowers! Hope you have a great weekend!

  5. I love these- weirdly enough I've just learned how to do these too! Your Thursday club are lucky to have you. Pat sounds like a wonderful partner in crime to have!!!!

  6. Hi Ros .. Miss you.. Hope you're well .. These boxes are adorable.. Loving the clouds too... Hugs x

  7. Aren't these so fun to make...your group is going to LOVE them!!! But it sure must of been a ton of work cutting them all out, I know, and I only did ONE!!! Hope all is well...give me a "note" when you have the time...hope you are having a nicer Spring then us...still some snow, still cold, and today rainy and windy!!! I do have tulips and daffys popping up out of the ground though, if they don't freeze!!!

  8. Oh, what beautiful box card projects! How wonderful for you and friend to share your talent to help make these sweet projects! I remember cat fights early in the morn when we had cats...hehehe! I hope they behave soon for you so as not to disturb your sleep!:-) Have a great weekend!

  9. Wow Wow are those the coolest little creations Ros!! You girls did a super job on the, beautiful and fun too! Your group will love them. Oh I do not like those cat fights. My little Petunia is the most territorial little girl and chases and fights any can that comes near our yard!!

  10. I bet these boxes went to the top of their list of favorite projects. You and Pat did an amazing job. Hope the kitties are alright. Hugs!

  11. These are beautiful Ros, your box cards! Yours turned out wonderfully with all these lovely details! Hope Ginger is doing better now? Take care, Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  12. Such a sweet and lovely projects!

  13. Oh wow! What a project!! I haven't sat down to make one of those box cards myself yet, let alone prepare all that for - what? 20? people? They must have been absolutely thrilled!

  14. Your group is so lucky to have you. These are great and it sounds like you had such fun in the preparation.

  15. Lovely boxes, so happy and cheerful! And I hope your kitty is ok... mine had a fight some time ago and had a nasty bite on his nose. Poor thing had to take antibiotics to heal :(.

  16. Awww I hope your kitty is O.K. Ros! These boxes are fantastic!!!

  17. Oh these boxes are just FABULOUS! Let us know how your group did with them! And NO to dogs! YES to cats!

  18. I admire you for all your dedication, love and effort for your Thursday group. These boxes are fantastic. It must have been quite a job to assemble and prepare but it shows off. I am also happy to hear that you are doing all the work together with a sweet friend. Preparing is time consuming and more fun if you have someone there to help you, chat and laugh a lot. Enjoy! And it;s fun to share the love for crafting; I have no doubt you will be a wonderful help for Pat too; you are so talented.
    Have a lovely evening!
    Sending love and hugs,

  19. These are adorable!!! Ros, what a worthy cause, I know this is so appreciated and the projects are not only adorable, but useful!



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