Sunday, June 08, 2014


Good morning!

How are you all? Ready for a new prompt word at Our Beautiful World?

This week Manuela has chosen our prompt and it's Animals

It's no secret that I am a huge animal lover ... and that I have cats ... I've always had cats ... they find me... homeless cats, sick cats, pregnant cats ... they all know where to come ... My son feels the same affection and empathy for animals ... probably even more than me  

So you'd think this prompt would be easy for me ... and having so many animal photos, in many ways it was ... but looking back on those animals I've lost was really really hard ...

 If I am being totally honest ... nothing is as wonderful as having a dog... especially one you have rescued

This is Holly ... so named because I rescued her from death row at the RSPCA one Christmas ... She was in a sorry state and they thought she couldn't be homed ... She had fear aggression, all her ribs were cracked from being kicked and she was painfully thin... Nothing that a whole lot of love couldn't and didn't fix in my opinion
The photo was taken years ago when we rented a place in Derbyshire and spent a week hiking around. Holly was terrified of horses but this guy followed her the whole length of that road behind the wall and eventually they got close... 

I lost Holly to cancer some years ago ... My heart still aches

Kelly was her predecessor ... another rescue dog who was a four legged angel ... These girls got me through some of the toughest times of my life.... They really rescued me

But now we just have cats ... If you've been following my blog you will know that recently one of them ... Gipsy ... returned after being away for almost 2 weeks

She's reclaimed her box and the house ... And constantly reminds us that we are her humans 
This photo sums her up ... 

She is so rude to little Ginger ... or should I say big Ginger ... he's gotten fat!

Now is that a sad face? 
He's become my shadow ... in many ways he reminds me of my dogs ... never far from my side, devoted and grateful for being taken in ... unlike Miss Gipsy who had us up from 4am once again ... Of all the cats needing a home my son picks that one! 

We're really looking forward to seeing your photos this week ... me especially Lol!

Please link them up to 

Have a lovely day 

~ Ros ~


  1. Wonderful post Ross, - you did some amazing things for the animals you have owned over the years. So glad Gypsy returned safe and sound and your photos are wonderful!

  2. Hi Ros, sad story, i don't know how people can maltreated animals. It's unbelievable!! It's so venerable from you to help Holly and give her a good live for the rest of her life. She looks so beautiful on the photos.
    Yes, a dog is a friend for Life.
    Ginger looks really satisfied on the photo:-)
    Have great day.

  3. What I love about your blogposts for A beautiful world is the fact that you 'r sharing someting that means so much for you. Especially this one. Your dog is gorgeous and I can imagine that you miss her every-single-day. She was there for you in difficult years of your life and her loss must be difficult. Your cats are gorgeous; my favorite is Ginger. She looks so so sweet. Hope you are having a lovely Sunday; it's raining here at the moment and the forecast promissed us sunny weather for the afternoon. I need that because we're invited for a barbecue and it's outdoors...:)

  4. Gorgeous photos Ros of very special four legged friends in your life... I understand as we've recently taken Arthur into our home and hearts, just 6 months old and sooo lovable, follows me about and is always near...except now he's found out doors is a real treat. Your dogs were beautiful animals and so lucky to have been welcomed into your lives...cherish the memories and don't be sad...have a lovely week Robyn

  5. People can be really gruesome sometimes... What kind of person would maltreat others or animals... You're right about dogs, they are such loyal, sweet creatures, somehow they know exactly what you need, whether you're downhearted or happy. Amazing, isn't it? You must miss both your dogs so much, but it's so lovely to hear you still hold them so dearly Ros. Hugs, Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  6. Such sweet memories you have shared. I've always had cats as well and a dog once. I'm glad to hear Gypsy has come home, but sorry to hear she is so rude to sweet Ginger. My sweet girls came from the same home and are sisters. I love to see them snuggle and give each other a bath. :)

  7. What a Beautiful post, Ros. The story about Holly and the photo with the horse is so touching and Kelly is very special, too. I think it hurts so much when they are gone because they offer us unconditional love and loyalty. You know I LOVE kitties having two myself. YOUR Gipsy is a stinker waking you up at 4am after disappearing and worrying you! LOVE the photos and the stories!

  8. I can so feel you Ros, even I am not a big cat fan, ailurophobia that is, but I can see how you special they make you feel when they are your little shadow, just like Papi, he goes wherever I go.

  9. These photo's of your animals make my heart sing, Ros, you did a beautiful job of rescuing! I am not a dog person, but yours look like they were really loved. I always love hearing the adventures of your cars and the orange one looks perfectly contented to me! As for fruit, I am never found of making fruit cards, but there you have it, we do what we must! Wish I were getting some of your nice rain...I guess it is coming just in time for Wimbledon!

  10. LOVE your fur babies photos...all are so sweet and adorable!! I too, am a HUGE animal lover....I think your Ginger cat almost looks as though he is precious!! If I could, I would rescue every animal I afford to....loved your post!!

  11. Lots of news and events described on your recent posts... good to hear about Gipsy and about members of your family that they are fine! And how sweet you're remembering of all your furry friends. Touching and sensitive words & remembrance... Thanks for sharing them with us in such a emotional post of "beautiful world"!! Toate cele bune! All the best and have a great week ahead!

  12. That picture of Holly and the horse is adorable! The others are, too, of course - but the first one is special. Lovely prompt this week!

  13. Sorry to read this sad story about your dog, but i can understand you. My two dogs died because of cancer too, and the life is really empty without them. Dog for me is not just a pet, it is my friend, part of my family.
    I really like the picturesbof your cats! :-)

  14. Ros what a heart warming story. I love the photo with your shepherd and horse. So cute. God bless you for giving a home to so many animals that needed a loving home. We to have always taken in strays or shelter animals. Our dog, Nanook who is thirteen years old is from the shelter and he has been such a joy to our family and he loves being with us. Life for sure would not be the same without our pets.

  15. I love hearing about your animals Ros! Your girls were beautiful and some lovely memories they have given you!! Most all of our critters have been rescues over the years!! It is always so hard to say goodby to our furbabies especially when they seem to help us thru some of lifes rough spots! Your kitties are tooo cute too :) HOpe you get some nice weather! I would share some of our hot sunny skies if I could :)

  16. You old softie you. :-) Those critters were and are lucky to have someone to love them like you. Great pics Ros. Hugs!

  17. Animals have a special place in our lives and hearts. Glad your cat found her way home.


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