Monday, June 09, 2014

NBUS (New But Unused Schtuff))

Hi there!

I hope you are having a good start to the week ... Just for a change we have rain ... It never seems to stop ... there's a hint of a blue sky each time the clouds shift - Just teasing us I think

So.... I have a card I made for few of challenges ... 

The lovely and so very witty Darnell of djkardkreations not surprisingly recently hit 500+ followers and to celebrate she has organised a challenge ... A NBUS challenge
That stands for New But Unused Schtuff ... (It's Darnell talk)

Whilst Lee over at The Mod Squad has just celebrated her 25th Wedding Anniversary and the challenge there is to make an anniversary card

So here we go with a NBUS Anniversary card 

The NBUS is the stencil ... I ordered some a while back ... so eager to use them but by time they came I was on to something else ... Not that they took anytime at all to arrive ... But the creative world moves so fast ... I get the idea for one thing and something else appears ... So this brick stencil lay untouched
Actually this is also a NBUT (to me) card ... New but unused technique

The technique of mixing inks with the modelling paste ... I think I'm going to need a little practice with those stencils judging by the result ... but I had fun

As Lee celebrated 25 years of wedded bliss I stamped and embossed the sentiment is Silver

Paper Crafting Magic - (new to me too) has a stencil challenge going on so I'm going to link up there too

Ok ... that's me for today ... 
I hope you have a brilliant week!

'See' you tomorrow

~ Ros ~


  1. This is gorgeous Ros, those colours are so pretty. Love the effect of the stencil - it's more realistic. Glad I'm not the only one who orders things but has moved on by the time they arrive! It's raining here and not even a hint of sun!

  2. Great card Ros, love how great your stenciling looks too. Thanks for stopping by to see me too. ~Diane

  3. what a fun card, Ros, beautiful as well! I love the colors and the depth your paste has made with the stencil! Have a Happy Monday!

  4. Wonderful anniversary card Ros and I love that you coined another acronym, the NBUT, for new technique into your post! You have a wonderful day!

  5. Fabulous job with the stenciling!~!! Love the mixture of the ink and paste and a beautiful butterfly as well!! Wish I could send you some sunshine!!

  6. That's an amazing combo of challenges! Love the paste brickwork and the graduation of colours is fab. I really love this card!! x

  7. Need a little practice??? My oh my this is fabulous! I also bought some modelling paste and I think I need some classes from you :)
    Love love love what you did with adding color to that paste and your card is stunning. Love it!

  8. Love the texture that the stencil and modeling paste did for your anniversary card! Wonderfully done!

  9. So pretty Ros! The textured background looks awesome and I love the beautiful layered butterfly!

  10. The bricks are cool, but I also love the butterfly you've made with the adorable pearl center. It's super cute.

  11. Who knew there was so many techniques in card making, I have never heard of modeling clay


  12. Oh Ros I do love love your brick stencil and the soft shading on it!! The pennant and that gorgeous butterfly looks beautiful on it!!

  13. I ADORE your card with the colored molding paste through the stencil and your very artsy butterfly! Just so artsy and Gorgeous, Ros!

  14. I think you did a fabulous job with the stencil, Ros! I like the way the colors came out and the way the bricks came out! It's a stunning backdrop for that pretty butterfly! (I love that sentiment and also used it for an anniversary card for Mod Squad ... great minds!)

    Thank you so much for linking up with my NBUS Challenge and spreading the word! I appreciate it very much!! Hugs, Darnell

  15. pretty card, the backgound with the stencil looks great, the butterfly is beautiful!

  16. Oh my!!! That is just stunning! I love the colorful brick background and that beautiful butterfly!! Thanks so much for playing along with us at Mod Squad!

  17. It's spectacular, the colors, the texture, perfect!!!!

  18. I adore this BEAUTIFUL stencil creation!!! Lovely paint spatter and the brick embossed background are so excellent!!! Thanks for joining us at Paper Crafting Challenges!

    Be sure to subscribe via e-mail so you can be updated on all the new and winner posts!

  19. So pretty with the brick background, Ros! Fab texture and a very lovely butterfly...well done!

  20. LOVE the modeling paste! It's so fun to add texture with this stuff. A couple of tips I've learned along the way--use painters tape to hold your card and stencil down and use one of those metal diamond shaped paint trowels to spread your paste. I was using a cheapie plastic one and the paste was getting under the stencil. The metal one makes it much cleaner and you can just pull the stencil right up with the tape. Easy peasy. Beautiful card Ros!

  21. Love the textured background. Love that Butterfly! Such a beautiful cut!

  22. Love your stenciled brick wall with the pretty butterfly on the banner...Great card!

  23. How supercool is this, love the coloured paste, makes such a gorgeous background for your sweet butterfly Ros! Hugs, Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  24. Excellent card and appropriate for Darnell.

  25. This is a fabulous card Ros - I love the whole thing...great colours, cool textured wall, and a simple 3D butterfly (smiling, it makes me happy). Cheers

  26. This is sooo pretty .... I love the brick wall in the background, ther colours are fab and great texture. Pretty butterfly too. Linda xx

  27. Oh, my gracious, I just love that brick wall! It's perfect just as it is, hun! I mean, I hope you practice more and share with us ;), but I don't think you need it. LOVE that big, bold butterfly, too!

  28. What a beautiful card! I think you nailed the stencil background perfectly IMHO! :0)

  29. Wow - this is GORGEOUS! Love the embossing pasted brick and beautiful colors! A true work of art!!


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