Sunday, May 31, 2015


Good morning!

I'm back with photos for the prompt over at 

Manuela has chosen the prompt for us ... This week it's 

I saw this on a patio near to the hotel we recently stayed at in Majorca ... It made me laugh!

And at the hotel pool it was fun to see this little guy enjoying himself

But the weather broke and the cold winds came and it even put off the little duck from dipping his toes

We don't have brilliant summers here but we try to enjoy ourselves and make the most of things ... Recently at a local shopping centre I spotted some attractions for the children to have fun

Share your Fun photos with us this week at

And go visit the blog to see what my fellow photographers have to share

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Beautiful photo's of fun, Ros! Sure hope you had a wonderful, restful vacation! Happy Sunday!

  2. Your post made me smile, so there was quite some fun in it! Love Taz and his friend by the pool.

  3. What a wonderful collection of 'fun' photos! Love the stuffed animals by the pool, hilarious! hugs :)

  4. Nice photos! I hope the weather will improve. In about one month, we will visit London for a few days. Warmer temperatures and sunshine are more than welcome (-:

  5. Love all your fun photos Ros, the lounge chair one was especially fun ;)

  6. The first photo sure makes me laugh when I first saw it. Really FUN!
    I like the kids playing in the ball in the pool, but can't stop wondering how they get in there and how not to have a hole and how to keep the water from getting in, LOL! Too curious!

  7. super fun photos, especially the first one looks so cool and funny! :-))

  8. Fun photos, Ros! I've never seen those big bubbles--intrigues me!

  9. oh wow!! LOVE the big bubbles in the pool! How fun is that. Yes its a cute fun setting on the patio. Love the little duck. We have very short and mild summers here too, gone in a fleeting moment Brrrr though... first day of winter!

  10. Love your FUN photos Ros, those balls in the pool would be a real attraction to the kids, and the deck chairs sure are fun.

  11. I LMBO seeing Taz getting a tan:). And that little duck is adorable. i always enjoy looking at your photos!

  12. Splendid group of fun photos...what vibrant, beautiful pictures you fun!!

  13. Oh my gosh the kids in the bubbles. That looks crazy! LOL Great pics Ros. :-)


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