Saturday, May 30, 2015

Friends and freezer paper

A weird title? Well I'll explain as I go ...

Yesterday was Day 4 of Mask-erade

The lesson was about using freezer paper ... readily available to my American friends so I see, but not here in the UK ... I could order it online ... the lowest price I found would have been about £10 with postage... having already ordered some masking paper and masking fluid (not cheap either) I decided I would try and improvise...
Freezer paper allows you to mask your image and be able to watercolour over it - that's the beauty of the product
So I tried ordinary transparent contact paper and I then tried a thicker patterned contact paper ... the sort you use to cover furniture etc.,

This is the result of the thicker contact paper ... It really worked the best and maybe the image is not as pronounced as the samples shown with freezer paper but it still gives a good result using the Chloe Stem by Memory Box

Now although the thin contact didn't work so well, for some reason I actually love the result I got using my 'hello' die ... It's not so clear but it has a lovely look to me

You can make out the "hello" but it's imperfection is what appeals to me

So to all my British friends out there ... If you have contact paper - give it a go or buy some as it is soooo much cheaper than freezer paper and no ironing either

A quick update about my sick friend ... I managed to get to the hospital to see her yesterday evening and though she is still in a very bad way there was a slight improvement which was brilliant news!
She can't talk but old friends don't need to talk - they just hold hands...
I held her hand for a long while and then massaged her aching back till it was time to leave.
Thank you for your well wishes and your prayers

Have a lovely weekend

~ Ros ~


  1. Wow Ros! What beautiful cards! Love the pretty backgrounds that you created! I hope your friend is feeling better!

  2. I love the soft look of your cards!
    Glad to hear about the improvement for your friend's condition, you are such a sweet soul to be there for her!

  3. A delightful technique and fabulous cards it make too! Im SO glad to hear of the slight improvement and that you got to visit your friend!

  4. Love the card, Ros, using both techniques. Die cut a stencil out of vellum or any lighter weight plastic like a transparency. Then add a few dots of Tombow glue and let it dry. Stick down and them you should be able to mask and then pull up! either way, I think the UK should have it, try a bakery and see if they will sell you some pieces.

  5. So good to know that there is some improvement for your friend - she must have been so happy to have you there. Hope she'll be much better soon! Your cards are both lovely; the little birdie on the "hello" is my favorite!

  6. Oh wow, I totally love both of your results, stunning cards, love those muted colour choices and so glad you were able to be with your friend!

  7. How wonderful you could spend time with your friend & that she is showing some improvement. Both your cards are jaw droppers, Ros--gorgeous designs & colors! Maybe you should teach that day of the class!

  8. I just love your creations from the class, Ros! I especially love the creative and innovative way your design mind works to come up with alternatives to the freezer paper. I love both of these stunning cards and - truly - I would use a lot of the other options available to us for masks before I used the freezer paper again - just because of the ironing bit! I do have a whole roll of it, however, so I'd be happy to send you some - or any of your friends - so you can give it a try if you like. Just let me know.

    I'm happy to hear that you were able to go and visit your friend and that there was some improvement. She must be like a sister to you (perhaps even better!) after all these years. I pray for her and for her mom's surgery tomorrow. Hugs, Darnell

  9. Hi Ros, I'm not sure what freezer paper is or how the technique works, but your cards are lovely. I use baking paper to help remove dies cut from the dies and then keep these and often use that as a pretty well, but haven't figured on how to keep it in place.

  10. I hope your frined is on the road to recovery. Sweetie reading your post I know she must be like a sister for you. I hope her mums'surgery went well too. Your days are filled with worries about the people you love and I am impressed that you are able to go and create. Papercrafting and trying new techniques can be fun and it must have taken your mind from worrying (I hope it did). What I love is that you made a few beauties with alternatives. And just like you wrote; hence the imperfection. That makes them even more special. I think they are stunning!

  11. Wow...another lovely and pretty card.....I am thinking all these "class" cards would make a wonderful set of cards together...they are so pretty! Hope your friend gets well soon!

  12. Both effects look great. So frustrating when there are some supplies that you can't get here. Times like that I wish I could set up my own craft shop to stock all the lovely goodies that are so readily available in the US!

  13. I think the soft effect you got is really pretty Ros. No harsh lines just a lovely dreamy effect. Glad you're having fun with the class and that your friend is a little better. :-)


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