Friday, May 29, 2015

Keeping busy


I've been keeping busy which is a good thing right now ... I had some bad news regarding 2 of my friends ... Mother and daughter
The daughter is a year younger than me and we've been friend since children - right now she is in a critical condition with a lung problem and her mother who is now in her 80's has been by her side but she too has to have 2 operations on monday including a mastectomy...
All I can do is pray that they will both come through...

The 2nd day of the online class Mask-erade gave some ideas about masking off part of your card for sentiments ... I managed to create a little card using a stencil and some paste 

I mixed the paste using a Hero Arts Ombre ink pad which gives it this pretty blend

... And you can see I used a coating of glitter too
I really should have stamped my sentiment a little further over to balance it properly but hey ho.. I'll remember next time.
I didn't do a card from today's class - day 3 as I don't yet have any masking fluid but I'll definitely give it a go when I receive mine

However, I did see a card up on the Simonsaysstamp blog by Laura Bassen and it gave me an idea using an old PTI die ... The clock face

I know my blending is far from perfect but it was one of those moments when a light bulb comes on and you just grab any old scrap piece of CS to see if your idea works - 

I like how it turned out despite the blending and I love it when a die can be used for something totally different

Ok enough from me for now ...

Have yourselves a lovely day and be safe

Thanks for stopping by

~ Ros ~


  1. Great cards! So sorry to hear about your friend and her mom, I will keep them in my prayer!

  2. Stunning Ros! Two magical cards with so much eye candy (glitter and colour that is) haha!! hugs :)

  3. What a treat! Two wonderful creations in one post! I was totally in awe at your first card... and my jaw dropped even further when I saw how you reinvented your clock die - fantastic!

  4. What a treat! Two wonderful creations in one post! I was totally in awe at your first card... and my jaw dropped even further when I saw how you reinvented your clock die - fantastic!

  5. Ros Both of your cards are Beautiful!! Love the glittery dots and color on the first and the colors on the second the circular design and soft colors are really lovely!! So sorry to hear about your friend and mom I will be praying for them :)

  6. I hope your friend will recover very quickly.
    Two beautiful cards. I recognized the second one. Laura is such an artist!
    I really like your card too!

  7. Oh wow did that ombre ink pad give a great effect. Pretty shades of that wonderful color. The second card is just a rainbow of sweet colors. Blending doesn't always have to be perfect. :-) Hugs!

  8. Love them both, but especially the masked sentiment ... so pretty.

  9. Oh, no! My thoughts and prayers are with your friends. How awful! Your cards are fantastic! Way to rock those techniques! Love the play on circles!

  10. Two beautiful cards - I love the texture and simplicity of the first but the colours on your second card are my favourites - hope your friends will soon be on the road to recovery. hugs.

  11. Both of these are so pretty, love the ombre and glitter in particular.

  12. So sorry to hear about your friends & I hope they both recover well. Makes you appreciate every good day, for sure. I love coming to your blog as I know there will be beauty & wow is that true for this post!

  13. Love your cards - especially the first one caught my eye. It is absolutely stunning! Love the stencil and the colours. Happy crafting, Maike ;o)

  14. Would never have known the die was a clock - and again I love your colours Ros....and the blending looks fine to me :-)

  15. Sweetie you never cease to amaze me. Gorgeous!
    Hope you had better news from your friend. Thinking of you a lot. Take care...XXXXXXX

  16. Oh and the first card is way cool as well...the added glitter, perfect. I do hope your friends are both coming along with their recovery and hugs for you for being there for them.

  17. Both cards are very the stencil one, it just jumps out at me with the stencil paste, so pretty! Also love the second card...the colors are perfect together and the clock face is so creative!

  18. These are so cool! The first one is my fave even though I love the colors on the second one. :)


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