Sunday, April 10, 2016

Spring Thing

Hello and Happy Sunday to you

Kirsty has picked "Spring Thing" for the prompt this week at

Unfortunately Spring has been delayed here where I live... I was looking back on last year's photos and everywhere was so much more colourful 

We do however have amazing displays of Daffodils ... They're blooming not only in the gardens but in virtually every park and highway that we pass

The blossom is slowly starting to appear coaxed by the spells of sunshine but winter is clinging - outstaying her welcome

 Cold nights, cool days and raindrops that leave the winter pansies bowing their heads

But there are some Spring surprises to come... The tulips my dear friend Stella sent from The Netherlands are awaiting her arrival ... 

They have decided not to open until she is here... only 10 days to go

And look at this

This makes me smile because it's my lilac tree - My Mum loved lilacs and this always makes me think of her but last year I didn't get one single flower on that tree

But I can already see the purple flowers peeking out ... Oh yes! We are having lilacs this year, so Spring you are forgiven for being a little tardy and we are waiting to welcome you with open arms

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. You will be having the most amazing flowers in a few days!AriadnefromGreece!

  2. the roses leaves ar phantasticly set in scene! P.

  3. Mother nature is a wonderful thing...some late bloomers for this year but giving you the lilac that you didn't get last year x

  4. Such wonderful pictures - your nature shots are always gorgeous!

  5. Beautiful photos of the flowers, I can see the different between growing tulip in colder climate compared to the desert!

  6. Ah, such lovely photos of spring, Ros! Spring is delayed here, too. We got about 4 inches of snow yesterday. I'm looking forward to seeing my yellow tulips bloom. I can only hope spring will be here soon!😀

  7. I probably already said this, but my mom loved lilacs, too, & so do I! Mine have very few flowers & every time I pass some I'm tempted to stop & see if the owners will sell me some! Oh wow--those tulips are going to be gorgeous when Stella arrives, I bet--you'll have to show us some pictures! Wishing you a wonderful week, Ros! Hugs, Greta

  8. Beautiful Spring photos Ros, love all the flowers, last year and this years! The tulips will be beautiful when they turn, sorry about your cool weather hanging on. They say we will have a very hot summer!

  9. I hope the spring flowers will arrive soon in your area! Beautiful photos, Ros! xx

  10. Gorgeous photos and flowers, the Daffodils are a favorite as well as the lilacs, our don;t normally bloom until May, but out weather has been so crazy I am not sure what we will get this time...we had 2" of snow this weekend which covered all my blooming flowers...mean Mother Nature!!

  11. I love the close up of your lilacs. They smell lovely and in full blokm they are amazing. I love to see the tulips; 9 days and I am counting....:)
    BIG hugs!

  12. Tulips from the Netherlands and the lilac tree - AMAZING! Glad it's blooming this year to remind you of your Mum!

  13. Stunning pictures and I'm so glad you have Lilac's this year!!!


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