Friday, June 24, 2016

A bit of everything....

Oh my goodness where did this week go? I don't seem to have stopped, nursing home visits, club projects, housework, commenting and sorting out a lunch venue for when the lovely Darnell flies over to visit next month...
All that and the constant debates as to whether we should stay or leave the EU ... Well, at least the choice has been made ... I'm not going to get political don't worry...

I do have a card to share which was one I made for this week's challenge at City Crafter ... I rejected it and did another one, because much as I like this and IRL it's so pretty ... it just doesn't translate in photos...

You may remember that I lost that 'HUGS' die some time ago ... Well, it turned up, stuck to a receipt that was in my drawer... I have no idea how it got there but at least it turned up

I've lost a stamp now... a small one and I doubt that will turn up, but I'm not surprised... If you'd seen my room on Wednesday preparing for the club, heck I couldn't even find the cat!

I have to take hubby for his hospital check up shortly, then on to the nursing home for a few hours, do some grocery shopping then it will be time to cook dinner... Another day gone and no play time ...sigh
On the plus side I noticed that I got an Honourable Mention at The Male Room for a card I entered a few weeks ago... Thank you ladies!

Enjoy your day my friends and thanks so much for your visit

Till soon 

~ Ros ~


  1. Oh this card is so pretty. I know what you mean about photos not translating across often happens to me! Your card is So fresh and so very delicate. Glad the hugs die was found and chuckled that you've now lost a stamp x Sounds like you are still very busy your end and I suspect for the foreseeable future? x

  2. It is soft and pretty!
    I wish some of my dies would just show up like yours! : (

  3. I think it;s lovely and I love the touch of blue. Good to hear you got your die back! And did you find Gipsy after you finished your prepping for Thursday evening? :)

    Hang in there; your life is so busy. I hope you have some time to relax tonight. A good glass of wine and Gobblebox:)

  4. So GLAD you found your die! This card is LOVELY! The stripes are so cool! Love the flower! I think it translates very well but in person is always better! YOU are a busy girl!

  5. Love your use of the stripes and the notebook style border. Tell me about missing stamps! I have a set of stamps where you combine words to make sentiments and I have lost the word 'a'!!!! Makes me want to weep!

  6. Another beauty Ros! So soft and the colour is subtle, just lovely. I find so many things don't translate well in photos, one of the reasons I stopped bothering with adding glitter to my cards. Silly cameras! lol. hugs :)

  7. Happy to hear that your hugs die turned up for your card is very lovely! You sound like one busy lady! Take care and enjoy your weekend!

  8. You do keep quite the schedule, my friend! I'm ashamed how little I accomplish these days--gotta get motivated as time surely does go by quickly! I think all your cards are winners & this is no exception! Absolutely gorgeous & I can totally imagine it in person! So happy the die found you & you never know when that little stamp will turn up! Would you believe--I lost a bag of 4 velcro rollers after our first camping trip--looked everywhere. Well, next trip hubby brings the bag into the trailer & said he found it in the box with the barbeque! Obviously had it in my hand & got distracted doing something else--gave me a laugh! Wishing you a wonderful week & some crafty time!

  9. I love the card. The soft blue is perfect with the white on white. I enjoyed reading your post. I know how you feel. Sometimes I look at the clock and wonder where the day went. Hope you have time to play soon.

  10. If this is prettier IRL than it is in the photo it must be a stunner, 'cause I LOVE it! The soft, simple sweetness of it is greatly appealing to me. You sound so busy and I don't envy that. My busyness is mostly for fun, but it hasn't been leaving much room for stamping. Maybe a little stamping, but not much time devoted to photographing and blogging. Been watching all about your political stuff on the news. Hang in there, Ros!

  11. It's beautiful Ros!! I was wondering if you were going to get to meet Darnell, how fun that will be!! Isn't it amazing how many friends you have meet through the card making...maybe someday we can meet too and have that tea together we are always kidding about!! Have a great day!!

  12. Wish we all could Fly over and meet you, Ros, but it isn't to be in my life time! Lovely card...and yes, there are times when a card is beautiful and we just can't make it work because of various reasons! Happy Sunday, sorry I missed it!

  13. This just looks so delicate. It's really lovely Ros and I'm so glad you found your die. I have a couple missing. Maybe I'll get lucky too. Hugs!

  14. Oh! My! Seeing my name in there was a surprise! I think your self-critic needs a vacation, Ros, cuz this card translates perfectly on my monitor, especially when it's clicked on! It's a stunning design with the stitching and offset notepaper panel! The whites are so fabulous and crisp and that summery blue striped hugs - yum! All this card needs now is a yacht and sunny skies! (Glad you found that die! I recently found a small clear stamp stuck to the outside of another clear plastic DVD container!)

    I do hope your friend is comfortable. It's often tough to find mojo under difficult circumstances, even if we have time. I'm sending lots of caring hugs and can't wait until I can do that in person!! Won't be long now!! Thanks again for sorting out a great lunch venue for us! Hugs, Darnell

  15. Glad you found your die, wish you luck with the stamp. Such a pretty card.


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