Sunday, June 26, 2016


Ok..... So I messed up today with my post for

Which just happens to be celebrating 3 successful years today!

I got my dates wrong and prepared next week's post instead, sigh ...
So I rather hastily put a short post together to celebrate our 3rd birthday and wouldn't you know it ... My computer didn't want to play along... Argh!! 
The prompt of course is 

It's surprising what I can find amongst my photos at short notice ... Flowers from my garden

A statue in Ireland

 Three players in La Coruna

And my three cat ornaments

Hop on over to the blog to see what the rest of the team is sharing this week and apologies for being late ... at least next week's post is ready to go Lol! 

Have a beautiful day

~ Ros ~


  1. Well done Ros...with all you've got on your mind and visits to the nursing home etc you've done a great job x Cute cat ornaments and beautiful sentiment x

  2. You have the most wonderful photos! Interesting sights to see in your travels, and your "everyday" things are beautiful, as well. Love those kitties and your gorgeous trio of Cranesbill!

  3. Congrats on your third anniversary, Ros! I have enjoyed three years of photo's. Loving these as well! Happy Sunday!

  4. I won't blame you, I got mine messed up as well, supposed to post my PL project on 6/27 and I did it on 6/24, LOL! Well, I like your photo of THREE, thanks for sticking around with me for 3 whole year!

  5. Lovely photos Ros - enjoy the new week!

  6. Fabulous photos Ros, love the kitty line up! Will have to have a peek, see if I have anything that fits the prompt this week. Happy Monday. hugs :)

  7. Lovely photos with the theme three, Ros! So interesting to see the variety in three's! Awesome photos...thank you for sharing!

  8. Love your "threes" to celebrate Ros!! You always have the coolest pics! The Irish statue is especially cool :)

  9. Beautiful pics Ros!! Love them!

  10. Something I would do, so I'm laughing with you, my friend! You did come up with 3 great photos, though--love all of them, especially the gorgeous flowers!

  11. Lol, and wow Ros, you did great at such a short notice! Beautiful photos!! xx

  12. Beautiful photos of nice collection of threes.

  13. Congrats on your anniversary, lovely photos:)

  14. Oh how fun, I enjoy these photos every week and what a fun prompt!

  15. You did have a very nice collection of 3's in stock. I especially like the natural flower triplets, as well as the musical trio. Here's to many more years of blessings at Our Beautiful World!

  16. Oh my, I love those photos. Three really is a magic number! Congrats on the anniversary. You ladies are an inspiration.

  17. Love all the 3s photos.. Many happy returns to OBW!AriadnefromGreece!

  18. Great photos and happy anniversary!


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