Sunday, July 03, 2016

Bits n' Pieces

Good morning...

It's my turn to pick a prompt over at

This week I've chosen Bits n' Pieces

They're everywhere... Washed up on beaches

Remains from the Pompeii disaster

And Herculaneum

In little dishes around my home

I mean what the heck? Radiator key, heart shaped stone, Hair grips and ties, all manner of things that I find around, Not to mention those craft bits that occupy various boxes and containers

Am I a hoarder? 

 I guess so... It's a voice in my head that says 'well maybe that will come in handy...sometime'
Bit's n' pieces can be very useful... depending on what they are of course

This robin has a beak full to feed her babies ... and this one, well, this is the step of the hotel I spent a lot of time in as a child... My grandmother's hotel in London, bit's and pieces that put together are so ornate and timeless

Go visit the Blog to see what my friends are sharing this week and be brave... link up your photos of bits n' pieces.. I dare you haha!

Have a great day

~ Ros ~


  1. Loved your bits and pieces today and glad I am not the only one that collects things, just in case! Made me think about bits and pieces when I saw the robin least those bits are really useful lol xxxx Popped over to the main site and seems they have a different prompt but loved the three photo's too. Happy 3rd anniversary for the blog x

  2. Well Ros, we all have those containers and boxes full of odd things. Have a nice Sunday.

  3. Fun photos, Ros! Know just what you mean about "might come in handy"--haha! What a beautiful Robin--doesn't look anything like ours.

  4. Great photo's of bits and pieces, Ros, I am glad to know that I am not the only one to have boxes with things I just can't throw away! LOL! We are a hoarding lot of crafters! Happy Monday! I am enjoying Wimbledon.

  5. Great photos! You have visited many interesting places to get some of these photos. The mosaic at your grandmother's hotel is beautifully intricate, and your robin is so sweet and petite. Very different from the American Robins we have here in my garden. Love that photo. Love birds period.

  6. Interesting photos!
    I especially like the Robin :)
    Have a beautiful week, Ros.

  7. Great one! There are a few familiar sight in my house as well!

  8. I've been trying to reorganize my craft room and have found tons of bits and pieces just like yours. It's one of my goals this summer to start using some of them up.

  9. The robin is adorable. I visited Pompeii many years ago, but I'd love to go back. It's a fascinating place.


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