Saturday, August 26, 2017

Been Playing......

Good afternoon...

First of all - Thanks so much for your well wishes for my Aunt, she is out of hospital now but has given me a dilemma... She has decided that she wants to move near to me and whilst I would LOVE to have her close by even living with me, she wants to be independent and finding something suitable is not easy. It's weighing heavily on my mind...
Then my lovely Ginger cat had to visit the vet again as he wasn't well but thankfully he is now doing ok and the vet was delighted to see he's lost weight Yay! Only about 3 kgs to go Lol!

So to relax I decided to pull out my crafting stuff yesterday ... I have so many unused die cuts and plenty of watercoloured and sponged pieces I made but just abandoned so I thought I'd get out my stencils, paste and embossing powders...
I only completed 4 cards but embossed a lot of things to use again. Today I have a card using a piece of watercolour I did with the salt technique - I'm guesting with the lovely ladies over at 

Where I was introduced to this technique, anyway here's my card

I cut a little jar from my salted watercolour piece and glossed it with Mod poge dimensional then added some sprigs...

There's a left over watercoloured sprig of coral and an embossed sprig. When it comes to using silver and gold, well, I often find that the gold is too dull or the silver too flat so I took an empty jar and mixed some of each powder together and I much prefer this colour

I'll share some more of my makes in the next week... 

I hope you have a beautiful weekend and I really hope those of you affected by the latest storm in Texas are safe and sound

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. There's a lot to love about your post today, Ros. First of all, your card which makes such fabulous use of watercolor background and die cuts. Next, the way you mixed the two embossing powders to come up with a prettier, softer gold -- brilliant! I do like this color. You've got me thinking... I'm so happy to hear Ginger is better! Heck of a way to lose weight, but what good news. And your Aunt -- out of the hospital and I hope she's feeling much better. It would be lovely to have her near. I understand her desire for independence. Good luck helping her find something. I haven't seen the news about Texas yet today, but will check it soon. I do hope no lives were lost, but the devastation to come home to would be heartbreaking.

  2. Happy to report we have had some rain, not too much, but are safe...thanks for the thoughts. There is no real reports of all the damage or loss of life along the coast as cell and internet are slow due to the storms. The flooding and wind very destructive in places. Your card has a nice feel to it. I love cards made from pieces, Ros. Have a happy day and so glad your aunt is better. Hope you solve the problem of finding her a suitable place.

  3. That's another technique I'd like to try soon... gotta get some watercolors to start! Lovely card! I hope you'll find a solution for your aunt soon. Maybe she could come visit and see what it would be like to stay with you... and change her mind?

  4. So happy your aunt is out of the hospital & do hope you can find the right place for her or that she becomes willing to live with you. It wouldn't mean she wasn't independent & she'd be making it easier on you to be right there. Your card made with all the pieces is wonderful, Ros--love your custom embossing powder!

  5. Ros your card is gorgeous, the jar is amazing with the salt technique, wow, I surely do love it!! I hope you can figure out your Aunt's situation, one that would work for you both, it would be wonderful to have her nearby. Glad to hear Ginger cat is doing better, goodness our fur babies sure put us through a lot, don't they, I worry/stress over mine all the time! Have a great day...oh I have been keeping close watch on the weather channel about Texas, my heart goes out to them, I can't even imagine having your home fill with water...goodness how terrible!

  6. Beautiful card! For me, it seems such a complicated technique....

  7. Clever use of the salt technique on the jar and the mix of the embossing powders looks great and such a good idea x Unique and gorgeous layout Ros. Really good news about your Aunt out of hospital x Shall be thinking of you and wishing you well on finding a place for her to live...not easy x Sorry about Ginger cat but glad he's on the mend and a little lighter...could do with some of that myself x

  8. A beautiful card Ros~ I love the two style of 'branches' just like a married pair ;-)) Hugs, Rebecca

  9. Crafting can be a good way to get some time to relax. There is a lot going on and I know how you love your aunt. It's wonderful that she wants to live closer to you. To have her nearby will be wonderful. It must be quite a challenge to find her something suitable. I hope there will be something for her soon.

    Poor Ginger boy; don't let him loose too much weight. A skinny silhouette will not look good on him:)

    Your card: I am in awe....
    Thinking of you,sending love.

  10. Happy to hear that your Aunt is feeling better! I do hope the right place is found for her. It will be an adjustment for her, but I know you will be there to help her through it. Glad to hear your sweet cat, Ginger, is feeling better, too. And, your card is gorgeous with the water colored salt technique. Wonderful jar with sprigs! Take care and have a great week!

  11. The salted watercolour jar is so pretty, and I love the mixed embossing powder color, too. I hope you'll find a good way to accommodate your aunt's need/wish. Hideko

  12. Ros good to hear your Auntie is doing well! Praying that you will have peace fo mind and that just the right place opens for her. Glad Ginger in okay and loosing some of his fluff :) You certainly turned your stress into something Beautiful! I love the salt technique for the jar and the pretty dies and color combo is rich and beautiful!! Have a super week.

  13. I'll say it again...your watercolor pieces are delightful. The salt adds some great texture to the piece. Hoping you can find a solution to your dilemma with your aunt. Hugs!

  14. I am happy for your aunt, Ros. Beautiful card. Adorable. Kisses, my friend.

  15. Beautiful colour combo - I really love the blending on the jar. Actually, I think this design is gorgeous. Hope you find the right solution for your aunt.

  16. OOOH! That technique is just so pretty in the jar! LOVE this!

  17. What a beautiful card with lots of interesting elements!


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