Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Groningen, The Netherlands

Hello there...

I said I would share some photos of our trip to The Netherlands to visit my dear friend Stella and her family last month... I know some of you won't be interested so feel free to move on as there are a lot of photos even though I've narrowed them down...
I'm not sure what I expected having never been to The Netherlands but I loved it and look forward to going back sometime soon.

So on arrival, Stella met us at the airport and we took a train a couple of stops to meet her lovely husband Marcel who drove us to see one of Stella's sisters, Jacqueline and her husband Fritz

 Such lovely people and it was like meeting family... It was late and a long drive to our hotel across a huge dyke! It took 2 hours and we were ready for bed when we finally arrived.
Over the next few days Stella and her husband Marcel took us to so many places but first was Groningen Railway Station, which I absolutely  fell in love with.... It was like I had been there before somewhere in time

It had a gorgeous coffee place and I could just image meeting up here on a regular basis with friends... From here you can take a train and be in Paris in around 9 hours or a short trip will take you to Germany... Oh boy, I would love to do that next time

We visited the huge University bulildings... Like a city on their own and everywhere were canals and people on bicycles... In the afternoon Marcel and Martijn took my husband to a football match

Whilst Stella and I relaxed in her lovely garden... Yep, it did rain but it was warm

We dined out that evening and got ready for a full day ahead on Sunday...
This lovely guy drove us just about everywhere!

We had wonderful food and plenty of coffee stops

Over a couple of days we saw the most amazing buildings and pretty little houses with beautiful gardens

...Many of which had a little bridge over the canal to the front door

Got to love the little gate halfway across the bridge!

There were quaint shops with crocheted goods and of course lots of tulips

The inside of a house in this tourist spot was just as it had been many years ago... All the old fashioned goods on display

We saw windmills...

And yes it was windy Lol!

A large Flea market...

And more bicycles...
Took coffee beside the dyke

We even saw storks nesting

So there is a little insight to our trip and to The Netherlands - We had an amazing time and a huge Thank you to Stella and Marcel for making it magical!

I hope you enjoyed seeing the photos

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. I loved your photos and a little in-site to your wonderful time away. I loved the cute and pretty houses and the bridge with the gate across it. Loved the idea of good food and lots of coffee shops too. The train station looked amazing. Stella and her husband Marcel really showed you a good time and it sure shows in these fabulous photos. Thank you for sharing x (looked like the crocheted animals and dolls you are making in the window of one of the cute) x

  2. Thank you for sharing your trip to the Netherlands looks lovely and I spy Miffy in a window!! Is that next on your crochet list? I must admit looking at your photos and ours of Canada I feel somewhat discontented with the UK....abroad always seems cleaner and more people focused, if you know what I mean. Glad you had a wonderful time with friends...making lovely memories. Hugs xx

  3. Wow, wow, wow! What a fabulous trip getting to spend time with Stella & her family & see her beautiful country! Love the pictures of my friends!

  4. Fab photos, Ros! Looks like you had a lovely time sightseeing. The Netherlands is still on my bucket list.

  5. Lovely to see your happy photos and hear about the great time you had.

  6. WOW thanks so much for sharing Ros! I know this is a beautiful place I will probably never get to see on my own so I truly enjoyed sipping my coffee and walking along with you this morning! So many wonderful and beautiful sights ... how fabulous for you! Thanks again!

  7. I've never been to The Netherlands, it seems you spent such a quality time there.

  8. Beautiful city and wonderful photos. TFS Ros. Hugs

  9. Hello lovely, it was indeed magical to have you here. On behalf of Marcel, Martijn (our mutual son!!), Jacqueline and Frits I can say that it was the most amazing weekend of this year. Having you here and show you a bit of our world. Geesh Ros today a motnh ago ( the 24th) we had to say goodbye on Schiphol. Looking back at the photos I can tell you that we will meet again. You're family to us and I have so many happy and lovely memories of your visit. We will visit you in Liverpool; I promise.
    With love from all of us,

  10. Looks like you had a wonderful visit with Stella and fun!! It would be a fabulous place to visit I'm sure! Lovely scenery and buildings! Stella's garden is gorgeous! Happy to hear you had a great time in the Netherlands!:-) Thank you for sharing all the awesome photos, Ros!!

  11. Wow Ros, what a gorgeous place and fabulous friends you have! I loved seeing all the photos, those houses are so pretty with the bridges, canals and of course the flowers. I wonder did you purchase one of the crochet items from that adorable shop? You have taken some amazing trips my friend and I LOVE seeing and hearing about each and every one of them!! Stella's gardens look so I just wonder where you are off to next! Hope your Aunt is doing well...take care my friend...hugs!!!

  12. Oh! I want to go! What a thoroughly enchanting place! The architecture and gardens with all those lovely pink hydrangeas. Pretty little houses with the canals running along front. You visit such interesting places. I feel like we're living on a big island here -- a really big island -- and we can travel for weeks and not see such a change in culture. There is some change, certainly, and our landscape and weather are hugely different from one part of the country to the other, but the culture differences in Europe are striking. You always look so cute in your photos, and Stella, too. She looks like a nice person and is definitely a good hostess!

  13. Stella showed some pictures too, I think she enjoyed your stay in the Netherlands at least as much as you did! You did see a lot but there really is a lot more to explore in our beautiful country ;-) You will definitely have to come back!

  14. Beautiful photos from Netherlands, my friend. I am sure you had a wonderful time. Thank you for sharing. Kisses!

  15. Beautiful travel photo's, Ros, I loved Holland and could have stayed there forever. So clean, organized, and a happy place, until winter and then it is cold, gray and wet...oh did I say cold? But I still loved Amsterdam, Leiden where we lived and The Hague. The trains and buses were wonderful. We did a trip by car into Belgium, wonderful way to see the world. So glad you had such lovely people to take you around.

  16. It was so nice to scroll through and see this post. How amazing that the two of you got to meet up and have a fantastic time. I am so jealous, it looks beautiful in The Netherlands.

  17. I enjoyed every photo, Ros! Thank you for sharing! You and Ian look great! But wait, is that a little Playhouse I spied in Stella's gorgeous garden?!! Hugs, Darnell

  18. Love all the photos Ros! Gosh such beautiful and different buildings! What a joy to spend time with Stella and family. It is so green and pretty with lovely flowers! Here in the desert it is hot and dry so nothing is lush like in these pics! Thanks for sharing :)

  19. I just LOVE these photos! What an Amazing place - FAB photos! Now I want to go!

  20. What a lovely place, glad you had fun!


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