Friday, March 30, 2018

Easter cards


I have a couple of Easter cards to share today... It's a sunny and bright Good Friday here and though I'm not overly religious, I have my beliefs, but Good Friday always pulls at my heart strings more than any other time... The cruelness against another individual who did no wrong always haunts me.

Anyway, on to my cards... 
The first one is just inking through a stencil and a simple embossed dafodil

I adore daffodils and have them  both in the garden and in the house and everywhere we go at this time of year they are in abundance

And the second one is a little more ornate...

Again I have used up some odd bits of previously created BGs to stamp and cut my flowers

See that little lamb?Well actually it's a deer from a memory box die but it looks like a lamb right?

We're just having a quiet Easter, we've had so many hospital appointments lately it's a good job we are retired or we couldn't fit them in Lol!
I am having another scan next week on my spine, that should tell me why I'm struggling a bit but it seems I also have mild scoliosis which I was not aware of... Heck, no wonder I seem to be getting shorter... 

Before I go I just want to thank the team over at CAS Watercolour for a shout out... I can't believe that the painting I almost ditched actually got me an outstanding design award, I'm thrilled!

I hope you have a wonderful Easter and life is good to you

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Glad they're doing a new scan & hope you soon get some relief of the pain, Ros. Always enjoy your cards, but wow--these are amazing! I love them both & you've made me want to use my stencils & to stamp on a painted background! Sending love & hugs from your blogging sister--Greta

  2. As always, you can take the simplest concept and make it so amazing. The embossed daffodil on the stenciled background is fabulous! I like how the background is really the star of the show and incidentally there's that pretty daffodil, too. Love those cute flowers made from one of your awesome backgrounds, and the jar looks so real. I'm tee heeing about the deer-lamb. Oh, my gosh, I never would have thought it was a deer, given the context. I hope your scan yields good news. Maybe the scoliosis is the culprit. I think we all get shorter.

  3. Looks like a little lamb to me! LOVE BOTH cards! Wish I had an abundance of daffodils to look at - too hot here! Your BG is just so bright and looks like sunshine! I think I have scoliosis, too, but I think it's from card making!

    Good luck with all of your appointments! Happy Easter my friend!

  4. Love how you used the stencil on your first elegant card and I love daffodils x Great little scene on your second card, pretty colours and the deer sure does look like a lamb x Sorry to hear you are still struggling and hope the scan is helpful next week? x

  5. Meant to say....Happy Easter Ros to you and your family x

  6. Beautiful stenciled background for the first card, Ros! It's perfect for the heat-embossed daffodil. The second card is so pretty. The silver glitter die-cut does look more like a lamb than a deer! Happy Easter!
    Hideko xx

  7. What a lovely pair of cards Ros - so fresh and pretty. I love daffodils too and the pretty background really sets of your embossed one. I love how you stretched your dies to make the lamb on the second card and this clever design could be adapted for so many occasions.
    I hope the scan goes well Ros and that they can come up with a tailored treatment plan for your pain.
    Happy Easter to you and yours
    Carol x

  8. Happy Easter Ros - I am just like you with the daffodils and every time I go into the supermarket I get one of the £1 bunches that are all closed up and love watching them bloom.

    These are beautiful cards. The stencilling is a great way of adding the colour. I really like how you've acheived the transparent effect of the jam jar.

  9. OH Ros these are fabulous!! I would of thought it was a lamb, how creative of you..I love, love the daffodil card as it is one of my very favorite Spring flowers, a gorgeous card! I sure hope your scan comes out well, I so wish for you to feel better...our Easter was very quiet, in fact I spent about 12 hours Spring cleaning as the sun was shining and it showed me all I have neglected lol...hugs to you my friend!!

  10. Oh, that's a lamb alright! I actually thought "what a cute little lamb" before I even read your explanations. Anyhow, two gorgeous cards! And with all these Easter cards: I hope you've had a nice Easter weekend?

  11. Hope all goes well with your medical situation!
    Awesome spring inspiration!

  12. Simple yet very elegant cards Ros. The stenciled background on the first card is fabulous. I would of never guessed it was a deer on your second card, I thought it was a lamb! Fabulous job on both cards. You always have such unique cards. Hope you get good news on your scan next week. Take care!

  13. Awww Your glittery "sheep" is precious. I like the soft spring colors but most of all I admire your ability to not waste a single bit of the things you create. Bravo!


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