Monday, March 26, 2018

The same but different....

Good morning...
It's a beautiful sunny day here, cool, but who cares as long as the sun shines

Yesterday I spent a few hours in my craft room using up some bits and pieces... Here are 2 cards I made... The same but with different backgrounds

This one uses a piece I had when playing with the faux enamel embossing technique

I love the texure it gives and I love these colours

This next one uses a scrap of ink blended BG that I wasn't keen on but works it with this die

The dies are by Memory Box

And the word stamps are a new addition to my stash... They're by Crafters Companion (Signature Collection) and were in the sale

I even pulled out the liquid pearls, I'm quite surprised that they still work as I've had them for years
I also made a few Easter cards which I'll share in a few days. 

I've spent weeks doing the projects for the Thursday Club and the last date on my chart before the 2 week break was for this Thursday so I prepared all the Easter gifts and cards for them- Took me days! To be honest, I'm still having a lot of pain following the operation, strangely enough in the opposite side to the one that gave me so much grief, so I was pushing myself to get things done ... Well, you can imagine how I felt when I was then told that the dates had changed and there is no club this week or the following week...Argh!
Anyway I am hoping to see my consultant sooner then planned to see what is going on, I'm dreading him saying that I have to have more surgery.... Fingers crossed.

Wishing you all a wonderful day

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Two beautiful cards Ros!! I love all the texture in the 1st card and the colored background works perfect for the 2nd card! Hope you're feeling better soon and get some positive answers from the doctors! Take care.

  2. Actually they look amazingly different and both gorgeous. I think the faux enamel scrap paper looks particularly artsy.

  3. You make the most beautiful cards! The faux enamel technique is gorgeous and I love the flower die. The second card shows how nice even a less favored background looks when letting a little peek through. Both are outstanding! No more surgery, please! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

  4. This is simply amazing!
    Sorry to hear that you are still in pain, hope it get fixed soon! And glad that you have sunshine today!
    Big hug to you!

  5. The colours on your first fabulous card are right up my them. Gorgeous second card too x Here's to you not having to have more surgery Ros....You've been through quite enough x Sorry about the dates for the club and sorry you did so much frustrating x

  6. Wow, both cards are stunning, Ros! I especially LOVE the first one - the faux enamel embossing's gorgeous texture and the wonderful neutral colors!
    You used the same frame dies and the flower dies, and they look completely different. Amazing!
    I hope your pain eases and your consultant gives you good news!
    Hideko xx

  7. Your 1st card is so artsy and textured and your 2nd card so soft and pretty. I love your die and colors too. TFS Ros. I sure hope you find out some answers regarding your pain and hopefully is it an easy surgery.

    Please Keep us in touch. Hugs...

  8. Beautiful cards, both are equally gorgeous! Sounds like you have been busy and I sure hope you find that everything is okay.....good to hear you have some sunshine too, my little Spring flowers are peeking their little heads up, hope they don't freeze!! Have a wonderful Easter, any plans? I am just cooking us a small dinner for two!

  9. Both cards are so lovely, Ros! Gorgeous color and texture! Wonderful dies and great accents with the perfect pearls! I do hope that your back gets to feeling better and that you won't require more surgery. Take good care...take it easy! Hugs!!

  10. Wow Ros! All of your cards are so beautiful! Very elegant and stunning!

  11. Beautiful cards! And isn't it always good when you find use for something that you didn't really like that much? And more: when it turns into something gorgeous? Anyhow, I hope the news on your back won't be bad - could it be that you try not to put too much strain on the bad side you end up in an... unhealthy posture or something? Whatever it is, I hope you feel better soon!

  12. As always, beautiful designs, Ros! You have such an artistic eye! I am very sorry to hear that you now have pain on the other side. What a deflating thing to happen. I hope you can get it resolved without more surgery, my friend. Maybe you just "favored" the other side too much in the past and it just needs to settle. Maybe? Hopefull. You know me, eternal optimist!! Hugs, Darnell xxoo

  13. Two gorgeous cards, Ros. Beautiful colours and flowers. Kisses, my friend.

  14. Your playing makes them the most beautiful papers, Ros! Love how you used them for these classy, beautiful cards! So sorry your body is not behaving & hope the doctor can provide some relief without another surgery! Sending love & hugs, Greta

  15. I LOVE when you can use bits and pieces and they come together to make 2 such Beautiful cards! FABULOUS! Did you things for the Thursday Club go to waste? Were they Easter related or can you use them in the future?

  16. Gorgeous cards Ros! Both are very unique. Love the faux enamel- great texture and love how you did the pearl drops. The 2nd card is so pretty, great colours for the background and the die cut frame works so perfectly to frame in your flowers. Love them both!

  17. I'm so sad to hear that you're still having issues with your back, especially since now it's different. Hopefully they can find out what's going on and it will just be something minor. Your cards are wonderful. I really like the one with the embossing powders. What a cool look!


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