Friday, May 04, 2018

Happy Friday!

Hello... The bank holiday weekend is almost here and the weather forecast looks good!

I finished the bees for my group...

...And they will be assembelling them next week - Pat did a project for last night and it was hectic!

I also found time yesterday to make a few cards... There are a lot of birthday's this month and one of them is my great nephew Ross who will be 16... 16!!! Where did the years go? I don't get to see him much now, I guess with him living in a different part of the country and getting that much older, staying with his grandparents isn't that cool any more...
What kind of card do you make for a 16 year old boy? I turned to the internet for a photo and came up with this

I printed the car out and then cut his name into it using my Cameo...

 ...Popped up his name and added some liquid pearls, a sentiment and a star
I was kind of pleased with how it turned out. 
I pulled out my paints too and made a few background pieces which I made into cards... I'll share them in the next few days. Yesterday was a good day!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and the sun shines on us all! 

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Fabulous bee you have made, wow, what a lot of work for you to assemble so many kits, but well worth it as I am sure they will love putting these together! Great card for a 16 year old, I have a grandson's birthday next week and he will be 15, but have a card ready for him...yours turned out just the perfect thing for his age!
    Sunshine and high winds today, going to the garden center, then going to work outside, we had lots of rain so it should be easy to dig grass and weed, my gardens are a fright! Have a wonderful day my friend!!

  2. Your little bee is absolutely adorable Ros...I wish I was part of your group!! And your card is FABULOUS!! Any 16 year old boy would LOVE it and especially with his name inlaid into it! You'll definitely be a favorite aunt when he see's this!! :0)

  3. Hurrah for good days! You're are so super talented & creative, my dear blog sister! How come I didn't get some of those genes if we're sisters?! The bees are too cute--can't imagine coming up with that idea! The perfect card for a 16 year old boy--or any car nut, like my hubby! So glad you're getting some nice weather & hope it lasts awhile! Love & hugs, Greta

  4. Good heavens, I can't even imagine all the work you put into those bees! Incredibly stinkin' cute and clever. Those eyes! What fun for your group! You've wowed me with your nephew's card, too. The inset studded letters take it to a whole other level. Fantastic!

  5. So glad yesterday was a good day Ros. Your bee is absolutely adorable, so creative and such fun x Great card for Ross and such a great effect with the hidden name, which you cut from the cameo x

  6. Such fun, colorful bees for your group. You are so crafty, Ros. LOVED your 16 year old grand nephew's cool classic car card design. Clever hidden word and wonderful colors too. He will love it. TFS Hugs...

  7. Somehow I wish I could catch a glimpse of that Thursday club when you will be doing all those fun projects, the bee is another winner! The card for Ross is, too - so hard to find something adequate but I'm sure he'll love it.

  8. Oh, wow! Awesome projects, Ros! The darling bee is just the sweetest! It will surely be a big hit for your group!! And, the card with the car and nephew’s name is a real stunner! He will surely love it! Happy 16th birthday to Ross!!

  9. Very cute, very cute bee that is!!! And WHAT? Ross is 16, oh my.... I guess I am just getting older, LOL! Love your card for him, no more cute animals and airplane images, 16 is a big boy now!

  10. The bee is FANTASTIC and that car is just beyond PERFECT! LOVE what you've done!

  11. That bee is fantastic! You have the most clever projects for them. The car image is totally cool for Ross and I especially like how you cut out his name.


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