Friday, November 01, 2019

CAS Mix Up Challenge

Hello there... Welcome to November!

It's the start of a new challenge at CAS Mix Up  and this month the challenge is hosted for us by Susan.

This is the last challenge of year so we are hoping that you will be inspired to join in.

To be honest when I first saw this, I watched the videos done with SU foil products which I don't have and wondered what else I could use to get that metallic look - I do have mirri card, silver card and silver paper and hoped that maybe I could get similar results using one of these... You know I love a challenge. 
Well I wasn't very successful at first.. The re-inker just ran off my card/paper before I could even add the clear embossing powder. Determined not to give up, I eventually got a result

 I added the re-inkers with water bit by bit, drying in between and a closer look will tell you that I still didn't get full coverage of the silver paper but enough to clear emboss and die cut the leaf stems. 

They looks so delicate and shiny that it was worth it in the end and all I added was 2 die cut triangles and a stamped sentiment.
Of course there are other ways to achieve the oxidized metal technique using cardstock ... Check out the videos on the blog and the lovely examples by the rest of the team.

I can't wait to see what you come up with.

Have a beautiful day

~ Ros ~


  1. Well, I LOVE THIS CARD, Ros! These leaves are gorgeous with the texture and different metallic colors! Placing them on the two sizes of stitched triangles was a brilliant idea and the font of the sentiment is such a perfect fit! An awesome design!

  2. Your leaves are amazing, Ros! Love the colours with a bit of the silver peeking through ... that's perfect! Great design with your triangle frames. xx

  3. Such a fresh and beautiful design. Love the crispness of this unique card. I had a tough time too, but you managed to create delicate die cuts with lots of colour nuances. So glad you are part of the team. Hugs xx

  4. Leaves never have perfect all over color in nature. I love how your die cut metallic leaves turned out, Ros. They look beautiful over your die cut triangles and the wonderful font on your stamped sentiment is the perfect balance. TFS my friend. Hugs..Nancy

    P.S. can you share your sentiment stamp set?

  5. This looks amazing, Ros, and the incomplete coverage makes it appear as though the paint has chipped away, therefore even more authentic.

  6. These leaves are gorgeous Ros and I love the shape and texture and the stitched triangles go beautifully in the background too. x

  7. I love the result you got with the Mirri Card and re-inkers:) The leaves are so pretty . and I love the triangle die-cuts. Very elegant:)

  8. Well done for using your ingenuity and persistence - it looks amazing!

  9. This is just gorgeous Ros! I don't have any of the foiling 'stuff' either but do have foil papers. Hopefully I'll find the time to join in ... SO inspired by your creation and LOVE the design with the triangles ... you are SO clever!
    BIG HUGS and have a great day!

  10. Totally delightful Ros such an amazing design, love every detail!

  11. Such a striking design and glad you persevered with the technique. A new to me technique too and looking forward to joining in the fun. Fabulous inspiration Ros, thank you x.

  12. Gorgeous oxidized metal leaves, Ros! Love the metallic colors and delicate texture! The silver parts which didn't get clear embossed actually adds interest. And I love your design with the triangle frames! It's awesome!
    Hideko xx

  13. Oh, such fabulous leaves, Ros! Sounds like an interesting technique! Wonderful die cuts, too! Stunning card as always...well done!!

  14. Oh my goodness--your leaves are so gorgeous, Ros! Love how you use die cuts like the triangles here--very cool & unexpected!

  15. Loving your oxidized leaves, Ros... persistence paid off! I'm very curious about the triangles - sharing a source, please?
    Hope your heart is healing xx

  16. Your leaves are beautiful, Ros! So glad you persevered through the process. I just scrolled down to see what I missed and I am so sorry to hear that your best friend passed away. I can't imagine the loss you're feeling. I'm sorry I haven't been around at all. We're moving my mom in to live with us and it is a very long process that isn't over yet. hugs, my friend, and my deepest sympathy.

  17. Your process might have been unorthodox, Ros, but goodness, the results are phenomenal! I love the leaves and your design pairing them with the triangles is stunning!! Hugs, Darnell

  18. This is so beautifully CAS. I love how those leaves have turned out, the colours are stunning xx

  19. I just love your CAS designs Ros - and your mottled colors came out beautiful after all of your effort! Wonderful metallic look!

  20. Wow, your leaves are stunning! You nailed this challenge Ros, and good for you for perservering, it paid off! Love your design, the triangles are a nice backdrop for your leaves! Beautiful!

  21. Beautiful Ros, your oxidized metal is amazing with this delicate die cut :)

  22. Another stunning card, totally beautiful! I do have a foiling machine and have used it a tiny bit, I need some days to just sit and do whatever I want and maybe learn some new always inspire me!! Have a wonderful day my friend!!

  23. Oh wow. What a gorgeous effect. You're so clever to figure out how to do it with what you have. I really like the triangles for the base. Adds a modern touch.

  24. Those leaves look so real! LOVE this technique!

  25. This card was definitely worth the effort, the leaves are gorgeous!


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