Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Something Blue

Hello lovely friends...

Sorry I haven't been around much, and I want to say huge thank you for all your heartfelt messages following the loss of my friend...Your support and kindness gives me strength.
I still have the funeral to face this Friday and as I was her best friend, I've been asked to escort her casket into the chapel.

Anyway, I have some more Christmas cards to share, again using alcohol inks and the alcohol lift technique this time using shades of blue and snowflake stamps

Please excuse the photos, the weather has not been very conducive

At least you can make out the snowflake patterns

Maybe even a little of the gold/silver splattering. The sentiment die is another one from Aliexpress and these cards make up pretty quick.

I've been following the news about the floods in some parts of the world and forest fires in others... Particularly California's forest fires. It must be dreadful for those of you living out there and my thoughts are with you all...Be safe

Enjoy your day and I'll catch up with you soon

~ Ros ~



  1. These are wonderful! The lift technique leaves such a great effect and that totally rockin' sentiment is the icing on the cake. I know Friday is going to be an extremely hard day for you. Sending you especially large hugs and prayers for comfort.

  2. Still yet to try this technique...will have forgotten what to do by the time I get round to it! These are truly lovely cards Ros. Wishing you strength for Friday. Hugs xx

  3. A lovely set of Christmas cards using the AL technique..... my thoughts are with you Ros at this sad time, hugs Robyn

  4. Lovely, lovely cards in the shades of blue Ros! I love that the snowflakes are so delicate looking rather than more bold...such a beautiful effect against the dramatic Yupo backgrounds! And your sentiment die cut is perfect for these cards!! Goodbyes are tough so I know Friday will be hard for you...hang in there and know you are being thought of during these difficult days! Hugs.

  5. What fabulous colours for the alcohol backgroundson these four cards Ros and the ink lift technque has worked beautifully to leave a really pretty patterned result, and your die cut silver glitter card sentiments really adds to the finished cards. x

  6. Ros, wow love those AI background with the ink lift. Great way to add to your Christmas stash :)

  7. Oh Ros these are just GORGEOUS! Those alcohol ink panels are AMAZING and SO striking! I will have to blow the dust off my AI and give this technique a try .. love these! Thanks for inspiring me!! Be well my friend and I'll be thinking of you during the funeral on Friday. Stay strong!

  8. Delicate and gorgeous, you certainly know how to make gorgeous backgrounds!! Thinking of you my friend, don't you find creating something beautiful is the best therapy ever, I know I do...take care my dear!!

  9. Perfect backgrounds for the lifted snowflakes, Ros, and a great way to get multiple Christmas cards done!

  10. Oh, such amazing AI backgrounds, Ros! And, I do see the snowflakes, so pretty! I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow for the funeral. Sending caring thoughts and warm hugs!!

  11. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow, Ros... be well. It is such an honor really, and I know you feel that, even if it will be very hard.
    I love your gorgeous cards!!

  12. Ros, I'm so sorry to hear about your dear friend Beryl passing so suddenly. She was blessed to have you for a friend and to have you there with her at the end. I pray strength and grace for you as you get through her funeral knowing that she will forever be in your heart. Your beautiful snowflake cards are a perfect reflection for how you're feeling. Lots of love and hugs, Darnell

  13. I have been making cards for so MANY years :D and then I see a design like this and think "I never thought of THAT!". These are gorgeous and perfect for icy cold snowflakes! (It is 30 degrees here this morning!) Take care...thinking of you at this sad time.♥

  14. What stunners these cards are Ros. The alcohol ink colours are beautiful and the lift technique looks fabulous x Wow to that sparkly die cut sentiment too x.
    I shall be thinking of you tomorrow and I am sending love and hugs and strength to you my dear friend x.

  15. These are stunning cards Ros. Love the lift of technique and the colours you used. The glittery die cut sentiment is the perfect touch to finish these off.Very festive indeed! Thinking of you on Friday. Take care. Hugs,

  16. Thinking of you & sending hugs as I know Friday will be difficult. You have become an expert with the lift technique--gorgeous!

  17. Absolutely gorgeous cards! The backgrounds are amazing. I'm behind in my visiting again, so I'm late to wish you strength for your friend's funeral. Hugs.

  18. I will have to try this technique, these cards are... mesmerizing! I hope the funeral went by okay and that you felt it was the right kind of good-bye for Beryl. Much love!


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