Saturday, October 10, 2020

Christmas Cards

I know! Don't faint, but I've actually made a start on Christmas cards..

Hello, from a very wet Liverpool. 
It's been a wet and windy few days and not really good for trying to take photos of cards but I've 
done my best

These were pretty quick to make which is how I like things. Stenciled backgrounds varying the colours 
the trees die cut and embossed, the sentiment embossed. I like to mix powders to give different looks and the trees were done using a mix of silver, gold and a sparkly one called 'under the sea'.

depending on the light, they twinkle different colours

The stencil is one by Nellies Choice and was on sale at Crafts4Less. 
It's an A6 stencil so I just used part of it.

I even made some postbox cards

These are very sparkly though it's difficult to capture that. The postbox was a digital one 
that I altered to make it look more "British'
Before I leave you to enjoy your weekend I just wanted to share a photo of my Gingerboy, I bought him a new cat chair/bed which he absolutely loves! Turned out he's far too big and far too heavy for it so he tipped out a couple of times  - The second time the chair landed on top of him and he looked like a turtle which made me laugh, though he was not happy. Now I've used my dumbbells to secure it for the time being.

Have a wonderful weekend and thanks so much for your visit

Till soon

~Ros ~



  1. Lovely cards Ros, your stencilled backgrounds look fab against those sparkly trees. Loving the Post Box!
    Poor Gingerboy - although he looks sooooo comfy! x

  2. I'm so delighted to see your Christmas cards today Ros! Love everyone of them.
    Your stenciled backgrounds, very cool idea to use just a part of it, love the angle, and such beautiful colors. And your postbox cards, wonderful imagination for the sceneries. Ros these are gorgeous in everyway, you are so talented, glad your feeling better, I always look forward to seeing your cards! Hugs,

  3. The mixing of the powders and the different colourways of your first collection of cards look fabulous Ros x. Great 'postbox' cards and so very Christmasy ....I love them x.
    Had little chuckle about Gingerboy x.

  4. Fabulous cards one and all Ros, and the die cut trees with pretty mixtures of embossing together with the beautiful stencilled frame for each look brilliant, and some pretty sequins, gems and a lovely sentiment to finish each. Your postbox cards are brilliant too, and love the pop of red with the mainly pen drawn/stamped backgrounds. You are so clever and your drawing is excellent with the gorgeous church and trees, then the holly with the gorgeous dimensional berries, and lastly the background trees, and three super sentiments too. Ginger boy does look as though he is hanging over the edge a bit, but it doesn't seem to stop his x

  5. wonderful selection of Christmas cards Ros, it's always good to get a head start especially for those that need to go abroad :)

  6. Beautifully created Christmas cards, the stenciled ones are so beautifully thought out with the placement of you trees, a lovely design! The postbox cards are just as beautiful with the pop of red and sentiments!
    Gingerboy looks so comfy and of course he looks like my 'Red'. We are to get much needed rain here on Monday and now we are home I have so much garden work to do but would much rather be in my creative room! Stay safe and have a good day!!

  7. I'm so impressed! Both that you started and because your designs are FAB! LOVE them! And your Ginger boy story is so funny! Perfect use for dumb bells!

  8. The stencil and tree design is fabulous, Ros... but honestly, that darling red postbox just makes my heart go pitter patter! Both designs have just the perfect amount of sparkle!
    Your 'ginger boy' will find the center of his new bed soon, but the dumbbells were a great idea!

  9. Oh my, but you have been creative and productive making so many gorgeous Christmas cards, Ros. As always, such unique and beautiful CAS designs. I LOVE all your stenciled tone on tone cards with your gorgeous mixed EB powder trees. Such a good idea to mix different powders. BTW, your tone on tone cards work for the CAS Mix Up tone on tone Stencil Challenge:-)

    Love your post box Winter scene cards too. How clever of you to make your post boxes more British;-) TFS a photo of Gingerboy so sound asleep too. Rainy days are perfect for crafting and napping. Love and Hugs...Nancy

  10. Oh my gosh've gotten a FABULOUS start to those Christmas cards and I'm loving each one of them!! The stenciled cards are so pretty in all their different color combinations, and the postbox cards are totally blowing me away because they remind me of your painted cards! You are SO talented my friend...I just love coming here and gazing at all your loveliness!! And your Gingerboy photo is just too funny...LOVE it!! Have a wonderful week my friend!! Hugs. :0)

  11. Great post how it changed the look of each and every card. Your stencil work is wonderful!
    All are genius!!! TFS!
    Paper Hugs,

  12. Fabulous Christmas cards, Ros! Love the combination of the beautiful soft stenciling and the shiny trees! You inspired me to try mixing embossing powder. The postbox cards are so cute too! Now I know that the color is red in UK, the same in Japan. When I moved to the US, one of the surprising things was that the mailboxes were all blue!
    Your Gingerboy is so adorable, taking a nap on the new cat chair. Imagining a turtle look made me laugh! :-D

  13. Very lovely Christmas cards, Ros! Beautiful trees and stenciling in different colors! Fab postbox cards, too, with the lovely red color! And your cat is just too cute laying in the bed!:). Take care and have a wonderful week, hugs!!

  14. Gingerboy is such a handsome fella, Ros! He looks so comfortable snuggled in his chair/bed! Good for you getting a good start on your Christmas cards! Love the different shades of colors in the stenciling and the sparkly trees! Your post boxes are so pretty and so is the scene you've set them in! Good going, my friend!

  15. Love , Love ,Love ALL of these cards Ros....the trees are so unusual..nice to see something different, I don't know how you come up with all your ideas. I'm rather partial to a post the pop of red against the black and white. xx

  16. Whoa, when you decided to make Christmas cards you really made Christmas cards! All so very beautiful, too. Your custom mixed embossing powder has a gorgeous color and sparkle to it, and the stencil is really lovely. Such soft sponging. All very ethereal. The post box cards are absolute perfection! Our new US postmaster is seeing to it that a lot of ours are removed, but I actually can't remember the last time I saw one here in town. Tsk tsk, I have a cute post box die that would make darling Christmas cards, but my hands are full.

  17. First of all, that's a very good use for dumbbells because mine haven't been picked up for way too long to remember. Your Gingerboy looks so happy! I'm so impressed with all of your beautiful Christmas cards! I really love the idea of mixing your embossing powders for those trees. Your postbox cards really capture the feel of a wintery wonderland.

  18. Oh how funny about Ginger & his new bed! I'll bet he wasn't happy, but how could you not laugh! Your Christmas cards are wonderful, Ros! Love your design with the stencil & tree & the beautiful mix of powders! The post box cards are gorgeous!

  19. These are great - I love them all but the ones that really give me ideas are the stencil ones - what a great idea to do the angles like that - looks amazing.

  20. And you were off to quite the start with your Christmas cards, wow! Loved to see Gingerboy - and how he seems to hold his nose... too cute! I'm amazed he does like the new bed, though. In my experience whatever you buy or arrange for a cat they ignore to go sleep in the weirdest places etc.


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