Thursday, October 08, 2020

Tone on Tone

 Hello friends...

It's been a while since my last post - A week ago I had the flu jab and woke up the next day feeling dreadful. It lasted quite a few days but I'm fine now. My husband didn't have any problems after his jab but I know of a few people who were so bad they were given Covid tests. Thankfully I didn't have any Covid symptoms which is great considering we have been classed as a high risk area now...

I had intended to post this a little earlier but it's just been one of those days,
 the printer kept chewing up paper, my camera didn't want to cooperate and worst of all - I realised (too late) that I hadn't put the slow roast in the oven.. Hey ho
I needed a thank you card this week so to kick start me
 I turned to the new challenge at

CAS Mix Up

Here's my take on Viv's Tone on Tone challenge

I only used one distress ink - Iced Spruce which I blended lightly through a die cut triangle 
and then used a stencil by Dutch Doobadoo over the top

The sentiment and the leaves were stamped with Versafine ink and embossed 
with clear embossing powder.

Thanks so much for your visit - Be safe

~ Ros ~



  1. A stunning card Ros. The Iced Spruce isn't a colour I have taken to much but here it looks amazing! Love the design which has plenty of interest and still remains wonderfully CAS. Thanks so much for joining my challenge at CAS Mix Up! x

  2. CAS perfection Ros and I love it!! Glad to hear you are feeling better too...the flu is no fun!! Take care my friend. Hugs. :0)

  3. This is so pretty Ros and the Iced Spruce DI for the blended triangle and the DD stencilling is so elegant and beautiful and love those black stamped leaves over the top. A wonderful card! So sorry to hear you have suffered after your flu jab, but pleased you are better now. Hubby and I had ours a week ago and luckily no ill effects apart from a sore arm for a day or two, but have heard of others who have been effected by it. x

  4. Very beautiful and artistic card Ros! Your stenciled background through a triangle aperture is uniquely wonderful. LOVE the gorgeous stamped branches and leaves in black, along with the large sentiment. Thanks so much for sharing with us at CAS Mix Up! xx

  5. If your card is any indication of how you're feeling, I'd say you're better, Ros!
    Very pretty!

  6. Very beautiful card, love the CAS design you have created! Glad you are feeling better, we get our flu shots on the 15th, something I am NOT looking forward to!

  7. So sorry you had a bad reaction to your flu shot. I'm glad you are feeling better now. Anytime we feel any little bit of unwell, it makes us tense about the Covid. I so love your tone on tone triangle with the sweet little embossed flowers! Such a classy card! Thanks so much for sharing with us at CAS Mix Up!

  8. Oh my friend first of all I'm so sorry you had such a reaction to your flu jab! I had mine on Wednesday and happy to say without a problem (actually the 1st flu shot I've ever had ... so afraid of that covid bug looking for us 'old folks'). Onto happier words ... your card is just AWESOME! I really love your design ... you are SO CLEVER! Going to pin this one for future reference ... thanks!
    Have a great weekend ahead and stay safe! Hugs

  9. Your tone on tone card is beautiful with the fab stencil! The leaves trailing up along the side are very eye catching, so pretty! Happy to hear that you are feeling better after your flu shot. So much to think about now days with the Covid virus. Cases are up again here in Ohio. I wish we could warp speed ahead and be done with it! Anyways, great card, Ros! Take care and have a great weekend, hugs!!

  10. Love your geometric tone on tone with Iced Spruce ink, Ros. Adding your stamped image and wonderful sentiment was all your CAS design needed for a beautiful card filled with love. So glad you are now ok. Take care and creative, my friend. Love and Hugs...Nancy

  11. You always have the best unique designs. Love this tone on tone with the simple black stamped branch and sentiment. Beautiful.
    Thanks for sharing with us at CAS Mix Up! xx

  12. A beautiful example of tone on tone. I do love the Iced Spruce color and the delicate leaves. I'm glad you're feeling better now and found a challenge to inspire you. Last year I felt a little puny from my flu shot, but this year I was fine. I'm sorry to hear you're now in a high risk area. Oregon's cases are going up and up.

  13. wow Ros your grey/green to back tone on tone is stunning, love the geometrical design :)

  14. Fabulous how you mix the medias and keep it CAS Ros...A real stunner x. Hope you are recovered from that flu jab? x.

  15. I'm sorry that the flu shot made you feel terrible, Ros. I know some people around me who had the same experience. I'm glad to hear that you're feeling fine now.
    Your tone-on-tone stencil is so beautiful and the design is wonderful! You are so good at using triangle(s) in your cards!
    Hideko xx

  16. Gorgeous card, love your tone on tone background with the silhouette stems. Thanks for joining us this month at CAS Mix Up!

  17. wow--a gorgeous take on the challenge, Ros! The triangle & Iced Spruce were great choices!

  18. Simply stunning! I love this ... just spotted it at the CAS Mix up challenge. The triangle works so well.

  19. I'm glad to hear you did get over that flu jab but who needs the side effects? Well, much better than the real thing, I suppose. Your card is stunning, the leaves against the triangle background in particular.

  20. Wow Ros! So unique and artistic! I always forget about Iced Spruce - it looks fantastic! Thanks for sharing at CAS Mix Up:)


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