Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Around the World

 Hello there...

It's been a busy week so far, always something that needs attention. It started early Monday morning with a visit to the eye hospital with hubby who thought he was having an operation but it turned out to be laser treatment to relieve the pressure in one eye (the second one to be done at a later date). It's been an ongoing issue over the years and as he has impaired hearing he doesn't always understand what is happening so I spend a lot of time at appointments with him. I find sitting around doing nothing more exhausting than when I'm busy doing something.

I did get to some time to myself to make a few cards though, which are for friends. First up is a painted line drawing I did with a French theme

I drew the girl, quite rough but I like it. The Eiffel tower is digital from a free colouring page which I downloaded and then added line drawing to it. The pen lines stop the printer ink from bleeding into the paint.

The second one is more Oriental

The only stamps used were the sentiment and the little bird

I've got a few things to take care of today but I hope to be able to stop by your blogs soon.
As always, thank you for your lovely comments, be safe be well and enjoy your day

~ Ros ~


  1. Awesome cards, always so beautifully created! I haven't been able to spend much crafting time as my dizziness has returned full force and it's hard for me to sit still and work with wave after wave of being dizzy! So far today I have been able to be in here!

  2. You get more creative every day, Ros! The position of the girl is quite natural, and I like your tip about the pen lines stopping the bleed. Interesting. That's a very pretty CAS card! I always love your branches and mountains, too. I don't know if it will happen for us this year, but it does make me long for a road trip of discovery. I notice those tiny dots along the side of the frame and on the branches, too. Nuvo, maybe, or Liquid Pearls? It's a subtle and lovely touch.

  3. Two lovely cards Ros....really drawn to the second's unusual! You are clever. Hope you are well. xx

  4. Lovely, lovely cards Ros! Your young girl is amazing, as is the whole design of that card!! And your 2nd card with the sweet little birdie on the branch is just as lovely...such a calm and peaceful scene you've created! Hope the rest of the week is more like your 2nd card! Hugs. :0)

  5. Ros, your young girl is awesome. She looks like she's having a great vacation in Paris :)
    Love your framing in the second card, definitely a layout to CASE XX

  6. Two beautiful cards, Ros! Love the Eiffel Tower image and the young girl...a lovely card! The oriental card is just as lovely with the sweet bird! Wonderful drawn branches and great design! I do hope your husband's eyes are doing better! Take care, hugs!!

  7. Ros, your painting are wonderful - the bit of digital, and regular stamping, are beautifully enhancing your paintings!

    I love that Oriental flair [and more of your fabulous mountains] but who wouldn't love an April day in Paris? Gorgeous!

  8. Oh my sweet friend I am once again in AWE of your amazing talents! Love your sketched young lady on the first card and the scene is fabulous ... you have such an 'eye' for dimension & detail! And I gasp when I scrolled down to the second card! LOVE that offset rectangular frame ... what a wonderfully clever design element and of course the color on the bird & branches just POP against the subtle mountain background! AMAZING! I'm so glad Leslie mentioned those little dots on the frame ... I missed that, but what a wonderful element! Once again ... you are such an inspiration to me!! Thanks
    Hope hubby is doing better ... yes it's very hard to just sit & wait when your mind has other things in mind to be doing. I remember many hours spent just waiting during my Mark's cancer / transplant journey ... certainly don't miss those days but happy he had to opportunity to do it, as it saved his life and he's still with me 12 years later. Hugs and Happy day!

  9. Two great cards Ros. You are quite the artist!
    I really like the way you designed your second card - very attractive.
    Sandy xx

  10. Sweet young lady admiring the Eiffel Tower from a distance. Love your drawing, Ros. Beautiful drawn evergreen branch for the stamped bird and the masked mts. Love the angled narrow frame that focuses the eye on your branch and bird.

    Hope your hubby's laser treatment works well. You will both know what to expect for the next eye:-) Take care and TFS your beautiful cards, my friend. Love and Hugs...Nancy

  11. You are so talented, my friend! Wonderful line drawings and coloring! Love the lovely lady looking at the Eiffel tower and the sweet bird on a branch! Love that frame treatment too!

  12. Wonderful cards Ros! The Eiffel tower card with the young girl is amazing! I never knew about the pen lines stopping the printer ink from bleeding- good to know! Oh and the second card, well you know how much I love anything nature related, love this Ros, your whole design is so unique and love your finishing touches with the little pearl droplets. Beautiful cards as always Ros, take care...

  13. I love both of these Ros and your elegant French lady witht the Eiffel Tower in the background works beautifully, and then the sweet his bright yellow chest, and the framing looks so pretty. x

  14. Both cards are so creative Ros and you are so very talented x. clever tip about the printer ink, thank you x. So glad that appointments etc are opening up again but yes it can be exhausting x. Sending hugs x.

  15. Love your creations, Ros! The Paris girl might be my favorite! I adore how you did her hair!

  16. Oh, I remember a time when you had the Eiffel tower or otherwise "french" themes on a regular basis. The robin is adorable - the design would work for so many occasions!


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