Saturday, April 10, 2021


 Hello and good morning...I hope you are well

The sun came up early this morning but it's still really cold outdoors. Today I'm sharing a couple of my own sketches, the fairies.

This little guy I call Buckley

I wonder what he's thinking looking out across the city.

The first time I painted him, I just couldn't get the wings to have that ethereal look that I wanted...

So I started again and used a digital file to print the wings onto vellum. I used a cityscape die to make a stencil for the background and a Lavinia stamp for the stairway plus a couple of branch stamps

Then there's Pepper

With her flaming locks and a temperament to match

They are all real to me and I make them faceless for 2 3 reasons - 1. It's really hard to draw a face on my tiny sketches 2. It leaves more to the imagination and 3. I like doing hair. Lol! 

Finally I have a card I did ages ago but never got around to sharing

It's a little ode to all those unwanted strays out there... 

Well that's me for today...

Enjoy your weekend

~ Ros ~


  1. Three unique, creative and beautiful cards Ros. I love how you manged to do the ethereal wings and the last card is super adorable x. Thanks for explaining why your amazing cards are faceless x.

  2. Oh Ros, each time I visit you take my breath away! This gorgeous collection is just awesome - ethereal was the word that came to my mind before I read your words so you definitely achieved the look you wanted. The way you made the wings is brilliant and they look so delicate. The final card is so evocative too as they seem to be looking longingly into the distance for new homes!
    Hope you are well.
    Carol x

  3. The fairy wings on both Buckley and pepper are beautiful Ros and I love the leaves and bare branches on both with the added citiscape and stairway and then the added large and pretty toadstool and wonderful hills, and then the cute rabbit, dog and cat friends with an interesting shape to the paper in the background which adds great contrast. Your drawings are so whimsical and full of interest. x

  4. Oh Ros...your fairies are FABULOUS!! I love the gossamer wings on both, and all the extra added touches too! And of course your trio of pals in your last card melted my animal loving heart!! AWESOME cards my friend!! Hugs. :0)

  5. I'm smiling again...wonderful fairy paintings Ros and a great idea to print on vellum for their wings... hugs and hope all is well Robyn

  6. OH MY STARS!!!! These are AMAZING! How nice to meet Buckley! I think he's trying to figure out how he can explore that big city without being detected and questioned about his beautiful wings! And Pepper seems to be fascinated with the 'outside' world as well and I think is contemplating and adventure of her own lol.
    My dear ... you are SO TALENTED and I truly LOVE each & every visit to your art world. Always an adventure for me and takes me into a whole new world of art that I will never be able to experience on my own as I don't have that artistic talent with sketching/drawing that you do.
    Have a wonderful day and keep 'em coming ... your art work & behind stories always make my day! HUGS

  7. I love your fairies, Ros - if we were looking at their faces, we wouldn't see these gorgeous wings! One day, I'll tell you the story of how I found a fairy wing, and sent it to my granddaughter - let's make it a chat with tea!
    Such a sweet homage to those someday pets!

  8. These cards are great and you did a fabulous job with them!! I am especially partial to the last one, the cute animals get to me every time!

  9. Oh, sweet, Ros! Your skills are ever expanding and now you've added fairies to your repertoire. It's a nice touch to add the vellum wings to your fairies, I think. You know how I adore critters, too. Sad to think of them hungry and homeless. Now I just remembered the drawing you shared which I saved to my files. I'd forget my head if it wasn't screwed on.

  10. Love that you added fairies to your collection Ros. Both Buckley and Pepper are amazing, love how you created the wings using vellum, so ethereal looking, and such beautiful landscapes. And your last cards, just so sweet, melts my heart to know how many unwanted strays are out there, so sad, but your card is lovely. Friends for live indeed! Beautiful cards Ros, hugs,

  11. Ros such amazing cards, your little fairies are so cute with those velum wings and love your toadstool. Your three little friends gazing at the birds are so sweet ♥

  12. What delightful fairies, Ros! I love how you've done the wings and I like seeing them looking out! You do hair beautifully! Love the trio of friends too! Some awesome drawings, my friend!

  13. All three cards are so beautiful, Ros. I've enjoyed going backwards and catching up. You've been very productive and I've been gone too long! I have to say, though, it is a wonderful treat to scroll through and be amazed and inspired by one card after another! I'm sorry to read about what your poor brother went through (even if he was an idjit for going up there!) and that he is finally on the mend. He must have a very high pain threshold! I'll try to do better about keeping current although this damn back still hates it when I type :(. Take care. Lemmeno how it's going when you can. Hugs, Darnell

  14. Wonderful, IU love them all and what a clever way to do the wings. They are just gorgeous xx

  15. Buckley with the city scape looks terrific, Ros! His wings look ethereal to me! Pepper's vellum wings are amazing, of course. Faceless figures definitely invoke imagination! Love the design of there cute critters too.
    Hideko xx

  16. The fairies are magical, but the animals have my heart! Sending hugs to you, my friend!

  17. I keep repeating myself here... wonderful cards! The one with the animal threesome is probably my favorite in this post.


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